

生子容易养子难对应英文:Son son not easy

呵呵,是新娘对应英文:Ha ha, is the bride

、夫妻双方均为独生子女的 、夫妻双方均为农村居民,只有一个女孩或者夫妻双方均为边境地区农村居民只有...报女户籍所在地的乡(镇)人民政府或者街道办事处批准,领取...对应英文:, both husband and wife are only children, both husband and wife are rural residents, only a girl or both husband and wife are rural residents of border area only... To the woman the domicile of the township (town) people's government for approval or subdistrict offices, receive...

判定离婚 夫妻财产正常分割,丈夫可主张精神损失费,和抚养费。对应英文:Determination of property in divorce husband normal segmentation, may claim damages, and maintenance fees.

看完以下介绍,就会明白为什么说"养子当如巨高"了。 曹嵩,字巨高,沛国谯郡人氏。他的父亲夏侯睿,母亲颜氏...后因朝中党争被罢,到了颜氏生子嵩,竟不能养,只好留下长兄夏...对应英文:Read the following introduction, will understand why said "son when such as giant high". Cao Song, the word is very high, Pei Guo Qiao County native. His father Xiahou Rui, mother of Yan... After the party is now, the Yan son song, but cannot raise, had to leave the eldest brother summer...

新娘、红娘、老板娘。对应英文:The bride, the matchmaker, madame.

应该不怎么聪明, 东坡频年谪居,尝作 《洗儿诗》,曰 人皆养子望聪明,我被聪明误一生。惟愿孩儿愚且鲁,无灾无难到公卿。 这首诗语言浅白易懂,虽然仅个字,情感却跌宕...对应英文:Should not the brightest, Dongpo years of exile, taste as "wash the son of poetry", said they adopted son look smart, I was clever misuse of life. Wish my kids dull and fool, without disasters to the duke. This poem language shallow to understand, although only a word, but the emotional ups and...

尝作 《洗儿诗》,曰 人皆养子望聪明,我被聪明误一生。惟愿孩儿愚且鲁,无灾无难到公卿。 这首诗语言浅白易懂,虽然仅个字,情感却跌宕起伏,表面上是为孩儿写诗,而实际...对应英文:Taste for "washes poetry", said they adopted son look smart, I was clever misuse of life. Wish my kids dull and fool, without disasters to the duke. This poem language shallow to understand, although only a word, but the emotional ups and downs, ostensibly for child to write poetry, but the actual...

新娘/姑娘.对应英文:Bride / girl

新娘、红娘、老板娘、姑娘 ......对应英文:The bride, the matchmaker, Madame, girl......



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