

方是真的药是假的对应英文:The square is the true fake medicine

他一片胡言都是空,无些效功。他真是方是真的药是假的把咱做弄对应英文:Him a piece of shit is empty, no effect. He is really is really fake medicine to I do

关于输卵管积水的治疗,舒管助孕方继承了古老苗医治疗输卵管积水一疾之经验,以苗医江文武家族祖传验方为依托,精选苗岭纯天然药材入药,有清热凉血、抗炎镇痛、通络逐水...对应英文:About the treatment of hydrosalpinx, Shu tube Zhuyun decoction has inherited the ancient Miao Medicine Treating Fallopian tube water experience a disease to Miao medicine, the Jiang Wenwu family ancestral prescription based on the selected music, pure natural herbs are used, there is heat and cooling blood, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, Tongluo by water...

、致电生产厂家查询生产批号。 避孕药好多假的,买药一定要去大药店购买。毓婷、悦可婷一般假药的生产批号和真药是不同的!后定诺的假药为圆形状,真药为椭圆形!对应英文:Query batch production, to call the manufacturer. Contraceptives many false, must go to pharmacies to buy medicine. Yu Ting, Ting Yue can general counterfeit production batch number and the real drug is different! Houdingnuo drugs for a round shape, really medicine for the oval!

大多来说是假的,不过有些也许值得一试对应英文:Most of it is false, but some of it may be worth a try

不会,如果不是京东自营,那么就是有代理资质的第三方代理。这么说吧,如果你是特百惠中国区代理,如果发现京东卖没有经过你授权的特百惠的商品,那么你会不会告死它呢对应英文:No, if not Jingdong self, then there is agency qualified third party agency. So to say, if you are a Tupperware China area agent, if it is found that the Jingdong sell without your authorized Tupperware products, then you will not tell it to death

得了肾癌,正正规规的治,相对而言,肾癌的恶性程度比较低, 如果乱用什么中药,把病耽误了,越耽误越不好治, 另外,中药里面活龙混杂,现在吹的可以治愈癌症的,十有八九是骗人...对应英文:A renal cell carcinoma, regular treatment, relatively speaking, the degree of malignancy in renal cell carcinoma is relatively low, if the disorder with what Chinese traditional medicine to the disease, delay, the delay is not good governance, in addition, traditional Chinese medicine inside living hybrid, now blowing can cure cancer, Nive out of ten is a lie...

次方很多假货的!化妆品我通常都不会再这些地方买,通常到熟人那买,或者到屈臣氏买(广州的)对应英文:A lot of fake cosmetics! I don't always buy these places, usually to acquaintances that buy, or to buy Watsons (Guangzhou)

不可信,碰到过很多从河南那边邮购哮喘药吃了以后病情加重的病人。 很多不正规的哮喘药里面含有大量激素,吃了以后短时间内可有症状好转,但有依赖性,且长期使用严重损害...对应英文:Not credible, met many from Henan. Mail order asthma medicine after eating sicker patients. A lot of non regular asthma medicine which contains a lot of hormone, after eating a short time can have the symptom improvement, but dependent, and the long-term use of serious damage...

国外有医学专家建议,通过阴道灌洗的方法保持其酸碱度。即想生女儿的人将毫升的白醋溶于毫升的温水中...此外,居住在污染严重,人口稠密地方的人们较多生女孩。 因此...对应英文:Foreign medical experts have suggested, by vaginal lavage to keep the pH. That is like a daughter who will ml white vinegar dissolved in ML warm water... In addition, living in heavily polluted, densely populated places people more. Therefore...

自己要小心,特别是叫你交押金什么的,现在这方面的骗子很多、对应英文:You should be careful, especially that you pay a deposit of what, now that a lot of cheaters,


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