

房顶开门灶坑打井对应英文:The roof open pit digging

这应该是东北民间俗语,好像是不愿意与人交往的意思。对应英文:This should be the Northeast folk adages, seems to be not willing to communicate with people.

反其道而行之 反咬一口 方是真的,药是假的 房顶开门,灶坑打井 防君子不防小人 放长线钓大鱼 放屁砸了脚后跟 肥的瘦的一锅煮 肥水不流外人田 费力不讨好 费了九牛二虎之...对应英文:Never act in a diametrically opposite way a party is true, medicine is false roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless fee spending tremendous effort...

打倒不如说倒 打灯笼找不着 打掉门牙往肚里咽 打狗还得看主人 打开天窗说亮话 打破砂锅问到底 打瞎子,骂哑巴 打一巴掌,给个甜枣 打肿脸充胖子 打着灯笼找不着 大路朝...对应英文:Down rather pour lantern could not find out front tooth to swallow the dog will have to see the master frankly speaking give the third degree to the blind, scold the dumb a slap in the face, give a sweet date hatno cattle lantern could not find the road to...

反咬一口 、方是真的,药是假的 、房顶开门,灶坑打井 、防君子不防小人 、放长线钓大鱼 、放屁砸了脚后跟 、肥的瘦的一锅煮 、肥水不流外人田 ...对应英文:Never bite, is really, medicine is false, the roof open pit, drilling, anti gentleman is not anti villain, go fishing, hit the heel fart, fat thin one pot, fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields...

房顶开门,灶坑打井 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的 吃饭想撑死,干活怕累死 此地无银三百两 孩子哭了,抱给他娘 狗嘴吐不出象牙 公鸡下蛋,母鸡打鸣 公道不公道,自有天知道 给个...对应英文:The roof open pit, dig a well support dead bold, starve timid want to eat Chengsi, afraid of tired work a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure children cry, hold to his mother dog mouth spit no ivory Rooster lay eggs, hen crowing justice unjust, to day oneself know...

方是真的,药是假的 、房顶开门,灶坑打井 、防君子不防小人 、放长线钓大鱼 、放屁砸了脚后跟 、肥的瘦的一锅煮 、肥水不流外人田 、费力不讨好 ...对应英文:We are really fake medicine, open the door, roof, fire drill, anti gentleman is not anti villain, go fishing, hit the heel fart, fat thin one pot, fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields, thankless...

灶坑里打井,房顶上开门。你狗操的直接跟地狱、天堂对门,多好啊!你和你的家人,想下地狱、还是想升天,随便啦!天堂有风,地狱有水,这是最好的农村阳宅风水。对应英文:The oven wall, roof door. You goddamn directly to hell, heaven door, much good! You and your family, want to hell, or want to go to heaven, whatever! Heaven is hell of wind, water, this is the best of Rural Yang Feng shui.

房顶开门,灶坑打井  防君子不防小人  放长线钓大鱼  放屁砸了脚后跟  肥的瘦的一锅煮  肥水不流外人田  费力不讨好  费了九牛二虎之力  风里来,雨里...对应英文:The roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless took tremendous effort to wind, rain...

反咬一口 方是真的,药是假的 房顶开门,灶坑打井 防君子不防小人 放长线钓大鱼 放屁砸了脚后跟 肥的瘦的一锅煮 肥水不流外人田 费力不讨好 费了九牛二虎之力 风里来,...对应英文:One side is true, medicine is false roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless took tremendous effort to wind,...

反其道而行之 方是真的,药是假的 房顶开门,灶坑打井 防君子不防小人 放长线钓大鱼 放屁砸了脚后跟 肥的瘦的一锅煮 肥水不流外人田 费力不讨好对应英文:Act in a diametrically opposite way is really, medicine is false roof open pit, well anti gentleman is not anti villain long line fishing fart smashed heel fat thin pot fertilizer outsiders do not flow fields thankless


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