

跳到黄河洗不清对应英文:Eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean -- there's nothing one can do to clear one's name

跳到黄河洗不清 成语发音 à à á é ǐ ù ī 成语释疑 比喻无法摆脱嫌疑。成语出处姚雪垠《李自成》第三卷第四十二章"我不是担心他被留在贼营,倒是担...对应英文:Jump into the the Yellow River wash not clear idiom pronunciation à à á é ì Ji ù ī idiom interpretation of metaphor cannot be out of it. Idioms source Yao Xueyin "Li Zicheng" third volumes of the forty-second chapter "I'm not worried he was left in the thief the battalion, but bear...

跳进黄河洗不清了"。 "跳进黄河也洗不清"(有时亦作"跳在/入/下黄河也洗不清"),可以...因此,"跳到黄河也洗不清"一语实在令人费解。 其实,这一俗语...对应英文:Eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean -- there's nothing one can do to clear one's name. "Jumped into the Yellow River also wash not clear" (sometimes also as "hop in / into / the Yellow River also wash not clear"), can... Therefore, "jumped into the Yellow River also wash not clear" "really puzzling. In fact, this proverb...

"跳到黄河也洗不清",可以说是一句家喻户晓、人人皆知的俗语,比喻很难摆脱干系、避免嫌疑。 但仔细想想,此语颇有些不可理喻。众所周知,黄河水由于泥沙含量极大,较其他...对应英文:"Jump into the Yellow River also wash not clear", can be said to be a make known to every family, All the world knows. saying, metaphor is very difficult to get rid of relationship, to avoid suspicion. But think carefully, this is quite won't listen to reason. As everyone knows, the Yellow River water due to sediment content greatly, compared with other...

虽然黄河水流很大很急,但是因为污点太大,跳进去也洗不干净.对应英文:Although the Yellow River water very quickly, but because the stain is too big, jumped to also wash not clean

"跳进黄河也洗不清"(有时亦作"跳在/入/下黄河也洗不清"),可以说是一句家喻户晓、尽人皆知的俗语,比喻很难...因此,"跳到黄河也洗不清"一语实在令人费解。 其实,这一俗语的...对应英文:"Jumped into the Yellow River also wash not clear" (sometimes also as "hop in / into / the Yellow River also wash not clear"), can be said to be a make known to every family, be known to all saying, metaphor is very difficult... Therefore, "jumped into the Yellow River also wash not clear" "really puzzling. In fact, this proverb...

其实这原本是句歇后语"跳进黄河--洗不清",黄河流经黄土高原,带入大量泥沙,含沙量高,河水浑浊不清,跳进去自然难洗干净了,因此以此话来比喻很难摆脱干系,避免嫌疑。对应英文:In fact, it is the phrase "jumped into the the Yellow River wash not clear", the Yellow River flows through the Loess Plateau, into a large number of sediment, sediment concentration is high, the water pollution not to be unclear, jumped into the natural difficult to clean, so it is very difficult to get rid of words to describe the relationship, to avoid suspicion.

快点!马上要,对应英文:Hurry up! Soon,

在这个时候 应该保持沉默比过多的解释更有效果! 相信事实会证明一切,时间会证明一切,人活着只要问心无愧就好……对应英文:Should keep silent than too much at this time to explain more effect! Believe it will prove everything, time will prove everything, people alive as long as examine oneself, feeling no shame......

跳到澄清湖里对应英文:Jump to the clarification of the lake

跳到澄清河对应英文:Jump to the Orange River


姚雪垠《李自成》第三卷第四十二章:“我不是担心他被留在贼营,倒是担心他带着李瞎子和你妹妹给我的两封书信,说不定还有什么贵重礼物,回来时被丁、杨二营的游骑抓去,使我跳进黄河洗不清,岂不受冤枉的窝囊气?” 附图 上传图片 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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