

干的早不如干的巧对应英文:Dry as dry as early

迟干不如早干 是说做事要抢先机 把握机会 蛮干不如巧干 是说做事要讲究方式方法,一件事情固然有多种做法,但毕竟有一种是最好的,所谓殊途同归,但有一条路是最短的对应英文:Fast dry as early stem is said to work the first machine opportunity foolhardy as Qiao Gan is said to work should pay attention to methods, one thing is a variety of practices, but after all, one is the best, the same, but one is the shortest path

整句话就是说早点开始做比晚做好,不经思考去做不如想写方法找捷径去做好对应英文:It is said that starting early than late to do, without thinking to do not want to write a method to find shortcuts to do

人是铁饭是钢,(一顿不吃饿的慌 ) 迟干不如早干,(蛮干不如巧干 ) 对联 四面荷花三面柳,(一城山色半城湖 ) 但得夕阳无限好,(何须惆怅近黄昏 )对应英文:Man is iron rice is a steel, (do not eat a meal hungry) later than early dry (dry, acting as Qiao Gan) poetic couplet is surrounded on three sides lotus Liu, (a semi mountains Lake City) but the setting sun is infinitely good, (why melancholy dusk)

迟干不如早干,蛮干不如巧干。对应英文:Fast dry as early stem, foolhardy as ingeniously.

幸福的家庭都是幸福的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸".这里咱们就先抛开那些不幸福的不谈,只说幸福家庭巴....谁都能够看出一个很能干的男人,养家没问题.可是他性格暴躁有...对应英文:Happy families are all happy, every unhappy family is unhappy ". Here we put aside those not happy not to talk, just say happy family ba.... anyone can see that a very smart man, no problem. But for his bad tempered with...

还不如早点在卖鱼的地方索取我呢!白话意思我只求你给我一斗半升的水就能活命,你却说这么多废话。如果等你把西江水引来,我早就没命了,你还不如到干鱼摊上找我呢对应英文:Earlier than in fish place for me! I want you to give me in a bucket half a litre of water to survive, you said so much. If you put the Xijiang River water has, I'd be dead already, you might as well go to the dry fish for me

首先年龄。你的年龄太大了,虽说骨骼不是完全定型但可塑性比儿童小很多心性同样如此,其次你不够冷静你只适合做杀人狂不适合做杀手,心理素质太差了,杀手不是你想做就做...对应英文:The first age. Your age is too large, although the bone is not fully formed but plasticity than children so many mind, then you are not calm you only suitable for doing the killer is not suitable for the killers, psychological quality is too poor, the killer is not what you want to do...

一般是老年人要办了农村养老保险才能领取退休金的。或者是该老年人以前曾经办过城镇职工养老保险,并且累计缴费年。有的地方规定,子女办了农村养老保险,老年人没有办...对应英文:The general is the old people should do the rural endowment insurance to pension. Or the old people had done the endowment insurance for urban workers, and the cumulative contribution years. Some local regulations, children do not do the rural old-age insurance, the elderly...

习俗 吃带硬币饺子交好运 过年吃饺子是北方人的习俗。东北民间在除夕有守岁的习惯。大年三十晚上辞旧迎新,一定要吃饺子,在众多的饺子中只包上几只带有硬币的(现在人们...对应英文:Custom of eating good luck have the Spring Festival eat dumplings dumplings with coins is northerners customs. The Northeastern folk have staying-up habits on New Year's eve. On the thirty night new year, eat dumplings, dumplings in numerous bag on a few with coins (now the people...

人争一口气 福不双降,祸不单行 该吃九升,不吃一斗 干打雷不下雨 干的早不如干的巧 干活不由东,累死也无功 甘蔗没有两头甜 赶鸭子上架 赶早不赶晚 敢怒不敢言 刚出狼窝...对应英文:People struggle for breath Fu don't double down, Disasters pile up on one another. should eat nine liters, do not eat a bucket of thunder but no rain dry early as dry to work not by the East, show no work no two sweet sugar cane drive a duck onto a perch sooner rather than later began just out of the frying pan...


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