

豆付一方扁担一条对应英文:Dou Fu one pole of a

他不能提什么要求一单是一单,先把话儿撇清,豆腐一方扁担一条 ,丁是丁,卯是卯,石灰论斤卖,跳蚤也是论个儿... 豆腐自然是方的 扁担肯定是条状的 两者不会混淆 意思就是别...对应英文:He couldn't mention what requires a single is a single, first with whitewash, tofu in a square pole a, D is D, D is D, lime sold by catty, flea is on one side of the pole... Tofu is definitely not strip both confusion means not...

去等河里的鱼 东一榔头,西一棒子 斗大字不识一升 豆付掉到灰堆里 豆付一方扁担一条 肚子疼怨灶王爷 端人家碗,受人家管 断了线的风筝 对事不对人 多一事不如少一事 躲...对应英文:To fish in the river east a hammer, West a stick and bucket illiterate a liter of beans to pay out to ashes Dou Fu side pole a stomach ache for kitchen end people bowl, by people the kite on the wrong It's better to save trouble. hide...

东一榔头,西一棒子 、斗大字不识一升 、豆付掉到灰堆里 、豆付一方扁担一条 、肚子疼怨灶王爷 、端人家碗,受人家管 、断了线的风筝 、对事不对人 、...对应英文:East a hammer, West a stick, a liter bucket illiterate, Dou Fu fell to ashes, pay Party A bean pole, stomach pain, resentment kitchen end people bowl, by people, a broken line kite, on the wrong things,...

斗大字不识一升 、豆付掉到灰堆里 、豆付一方扁担一条 、肚子疼怨灶王爷 、端人家碗,受人家管 、断了线的风筝 、对事不对人 、多一事不如少一事 、...对应英文:Bucket illiterate a rise, Dou Fu fell to ashes, pay Party A bean pole, stomach pain, resentment kitchen end people bowl, by people, a broken line kite, on the wrong things, It's better to save trouble,...

豆付一方扁担一条  肚子疼怨灶王爷  端人家碗,受人家管  断了线的风筝  对事不对人  多一事不如少一事  躲了初一,躲不了十五  躲雨跳到河里  恶人先...对应英文:Dou Fu side pole a stomach ache for kitchen end people bowl, by people the kite on the wrong It's better to save trouble. hide first, hide fifteen shelter jumped into the river before the wicked...

东一榔头,西一棒子 斗大字不识一升 豆付掉到灰堆里 豆付一方扁担一条 肚子疼怨灶王爷 端人家碗,受人家管 断了线的风筝 对事不对人 多一事不如少一事 躲了初一,躲不了...对应英文:East a hammer, West a stick and bucket illiterate a liter of beans to pay out to ashes Dou Fu side pole a stomach ache for kitchen end people bowl, by people the kite on the wrong It's better to save trouble. hide first, cannot hide...

豆付一方扁担一条   肚子疼怨灶王爷   端人家碗,受人家管   断了线的风筝   对事不对人   多一事不如少一事   躲了初一,躲不了十五   躲雨跳到河里  ...对应英文:Dou Fu side pole a stomach ache for kitchen end people bowl, by people the kite on the wrong It's better to save trouble. hide first, hide fifteen shelter jumped into the river...

斗大字不识一升   豆付掉到灰堆里   豆付一方扁担一条   肚子疼怨灶王对应英文:Bucket illiterate a liter of beans to pay out to ashes Dou Fu side pole a stomach ache blame King kitchen

卯是卯顶风臭十里丢下嘴里的肉,去等河里的鱼东一榔头,西一棒子斗大字不识一升豆付掉到灰堆里豆付一方扁担一条肚子疼怨灶王爷端人家碗,受人家管断了线的风筝对事不对人...对应英文:The bases is the bases against smelly ten leave the meat in his mouth, and the fish in the river east a hammer, West a stick and bucket illiterate a liter of beans to pay out to ashes Dou Fu side pole a stomach ache for kitchen end people bowl, by people the kite on the wrong...

东一榔头,西一棒子 、斗大字不识一升 、豆付掉到灰堆里 、豆付一方扁担一条 、肚子疼怨灶王爷 、端人家碗,受人家管 、断了线的风筝 、对事不对人对应英文:East a hammer, West a stick, a liter bucket illiterate, Dou Fu fell to ashes, pay Party A bean pole, stomach pain, resentment kitchen end people bowl, by people, a broken line kite, on the wrong things


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