

事多必杂对应英文:Do more complex

因来说,都是纯合体。在它们的自交后代中,这几对基因所控制的性状,不会发生分离。 杂合体又称异型合子或异质合子。是由两个基因型不同的配子结合而成的合子,亦指由此种...对应英文:Because of it, are homozygote. In the progeny of them, the control of genetic traits, not separation. Heterozygotes also called heterozygous or hetero zygote. Is composed of two different genotypes of gametes and zygotes, also from this...

不怕大事,对小事要有耐心做好,事多也该记住去做。再乱的再多的事也别做错了对应英文:Not afraid of big, have the patience to do things, things should also remember to do. The more things to chaos is also not wrong

冒昧问一下楼主,找来有什么用呢 只做最容易成功的事 作者陈之杂 在纽约第五大道有一家复印机制造公司,他们需要招聘一名优秀的推销员。老板从数十位应聘者中初选出...对应英文:Take the liberty to ask the landlord, to find what is the use of only the most likely to succeed. The author Chen Zhiza had a copying machine manufacturing company in New York Fifth Avenue, they need to recruit a good salesman. The boss from dozens of applicants selected...

有些基因不是单基因控制的,而是由多个基因控制的,有时只要其中某个基因是隐形的就能表现出隐形性状,称为杂合隐形基因。有的必须几个控制基因都是纯隐形才能表现出隐形...对应英文:Some genes are not controlled by a single gene, but controlled by multiple genes, sometimes only one gene is invisible can show hidden characters, called heterozygous recessive gene. There must be some control genes are pure contact to show the invisible...

学习要一门深入,直到学通,没有一丝疑惑才是真懂了。做事要脚踏实地,来不得半点侥幸与骄傲,否则成功也只是暂时的,失败总会出现。阿弥陀佛对应英文:Learning to be a deep, until learn, without a doubt is really understand. You have to stand on solid ground, not the slightest chance and pride, or it is only temporary, failure always occurs. Amitabha

主要是家里的环境潮湿的原因。衣柜里也很潮湿。这个东西有毒。最好不要让他咬道/有空调的话。吸潮/通风尽量让屋内干燥对应英文:The main reason is the home environment humidity. The wardrobe is also very humid. This stuff is poison. Don't let him bite road / air conditioning. Moisture absorption / ventilation to indoor and dry

这是胃头发炎,俺早年的时候也这样,但吃了西药就好了,不过俺建议你多餐少量,这样对胃是最好的保养。对应英文:This is inflammation of gastric head, so when I was early, but eat Western medicine is good, but I suggest you small meals, that is the best for the maintenance of the stomach.

来告诉他,说是以前鲁哀公向孔子问政时赐孔子的座席。秦士心中大喜,认为这是难得的古物,就以诸多良田作价买了下来。   过了些时候,又有一个人手持一把古杖找上门来卖...对应英文:To tell him, that was previously Duke to Confucius politics give Confucius seats. Qin Shi exultation, think this is a rare antiquities, in many fields, which bought it. Some time later, another man holding a staff of ancient looking to sell...

此方案适用系统【问题描述】使用超人代理【简易步骤】方案一软件管家中下载代理方案二使用网速优化【解决方案】方案一使用超人代理...对应英文:This scheme works system [description of the problem] [] use of superhuman agents simple steps program software download agent scheme using the housekeeper two speed optimization [] a solution scheme using superhuman agents...

放宽心!!要快乐,维持健康最佳状态.营养全面,既要吃肉,也要吃蔬菜.... 心情好,身体好,梦就少了.这是我的有感.对应英文:Relax!! to be happy, healthy best. Nutrition is comprehensive, it is necessary to eat meat, eat vegetables.... good mood, body good, dream is less. This is my feeling


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