

比登天还难对应英文:Prohibitively difficult

“我们试着让我们的孩子去唱诗班;”“当我们有个全职的园丁的时候,让他们去给草坪割草简直比登天还难”。对应英文:"We try to let our children go to the choir"; "when we have a full-time gardener when, let them to mow the lawn would be prohibitively difficult".

同时,这也使得这些塞族军官的原上司拉特科·姆拉迪奇将军被解送海牙国际仲裁法庭,姆拉迪奇想证明他对屠杀一无所知真是比登天还难。对应英文:At the same time, it also makes the Serb officers of former general Slatko Mradic was to the Hague tribunal, he thought that he know nothing at all of the massacre really be prohibitively difficult.

官方声称民众可以从城市周边的12个猫咪收容机构领养这些动物,但动物福利组织说进入这些收容机构比登天还难并且机构内猫咪的存活几率非常小。对应英文:Officials say people can from the 12 cat institutions adopted city surrounding these animal, but animal welfare organizations said the chance of entering these institutions is very difficult and very small cat survival mechanism.

“我们试着让我们的孩子去唱诗班;”“当我们有个全职的园丁的时候,让他们去给草坪割草简直比登天还难”。对应英文:"We try to let our children go to the choir"; "when we have a full-time gardener when, let them to mow the lawn would be prohibitively difficult".

同时,这也使得这些塞族军官的原上司拉特科·姆拉迪奇将军被解送海牙国际仲裁法庭,姆拉迪奇想证明他对屠杀一无所知真是比登天还难。对应英文:At the same time, it also makes the Serb officers of former general Slatko Mradic was to the Hague tribunal, he thought that he know nothing at all of the massacre really be prohibitively difficult.

官方声称民众可以从城市周边的12个猫咪收容机构领养这些动物,但动物福利组织说进入这些收容机构比登天还难并且机构内猫咪的存活几率非常小。对应英文:Officials say people can from the 12 cat institutions adopted city surrounding these animal, but animal welfare organizations said the chance of entering these institutions is very difficult and very small cat survival mechanism.

然而,作为一位股市新手,我发觉要应用自己的所学比登天还难。对应英文:However, as a stock market novice, I found out that the application of their own studies harder than climbing.

但有些重组的家庭却截然不同:个个咬牙切齿,想要好好过个周末简直比登天还难。对应英文:But some reorganization of the family are very different: one gnash the teeth in anger, want to take over a weekend would be prohibitively difficult.

落入深井中受伤的驴,想一下子跳出枯井,比登天还难;对应英文:The wounded donkey in the well, all of a sudden want to jump out of the well, be prohibitively difficult;

要不与他人比较,对于我们来说比登天还难,正如那些明星一样,他们有着无可挑剔的身材,近乎完美的饮食和健身习惯。对应英文:Don't compare with others, for us is very difficult, like celebrities, they have a flawless figure, almost perfect diet and exercise habits.

摩西要忍受以色列人在旷野带给他的所有麻烦,简直比登天还难。对应英文:And the children of Israel in the wilderness to bring Mose to endure all his trouble, it's harder than climbing.

跑步对于她来说简直是世界上最艰难的事情,挪动她那肥硕的身躯简直比登天还难。对应英文:Running is the most difficult thing in the world for her, moving her plump body is simply prohibitively difficult.


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