

丑话说在前头对应英文:Need something from you
  丑话说在前头   拼音:    解释: 不中听的话先说出来以免发生矛盾。  




把丑话说在前头 不能直译。否则老外听不懂。 把丑话说在前头是说先把最坏的情况讲清楚。 . ...对应英文:To warn you before not literal translation. Otherwise foreigners don't understand. Ugly words at the head is said to make the worst of the case clearly. ...

防患于未然,说明问题的严重性和复杂性,点明问题的关键所在。对应英文:Nip in the bud, severity and complexity of the problem, points out the key problems.

因为是一伙的对应英文:Because it is a

如果是我 就先小人后君子 我决的这样好 他做的不对我先会说他一顿 然后在和解 反而事情好办多了 先君子后小人 如果对方知道了你在骗他会很生气 以后就没了友谊 没了良...对应英文:If I just after the first gentleman villain, I'm so well he's not doing it right. I'll talk to him and then the villain in the reconciliation but things much easier after the first gentleman if they know you lied to him will be very angry after not friendship no good...

率直に言うけど(そっちょくにいうけど) 【丑话说在前头】 前もって断っておくが(まえもってことわっておくが)对应英文:Frank said u was (same as flying J on e of UTI it was) [] before I said before flying off after studies at at, on, (or flying forms of MoO at language and flying at, on,)

钱可以由你老公管,但是不能由你婆婆管! 不管什么时候,有一份稳定的工作都是对自己的一个保障!起码没钱了不至于饿死! 至于还钱,你们俩欠下的钱,你们自己去还!是你们俩...对应英文:Money can be from your husband, but not by your mother-in-law! No matter what, have a stable job is for a security! At least no money will not starve to death! As for the money, the two of you owe money, you yourself are the two of you...

脚本,如果你有什么问题可以来北神公会,我们会帮你解决的。北神の 依旧『组织管理』对应英文:The script, if you have what problem can be the North God's will, we will help you to solve. The God of still "organization management

言っておくけど いっておくけど . 我老看你呀 要不你直接问我吧 我不会再找别人也可以的 小小的建议对应英文:Words after, on the at it was flying at, on the. I was old to see you or you ask me I will never find someone else can also be a little advice

做人永远都要先小人后君子,把丑话说在前头并不代表斤斤计较,而是证明做事条理清晰!对应英文:Man is always after the first gentleman villain, to warn you in front of them doesn't mean square accounts in every detail, but that things clear!

【从何说起】从哪里开始说。【丑话说在前头】不中听的话先说出来以免发生矛盾。【痴人说梦】痴傻。原指对痴人说梦话而痴人信以为真。比喻凭借荒唐的想象胡言乱语。...对应英文:[where] where to start to say. [] I said before unpleasant words to say to avoid conflict. [] tell some fantastic tales silly. Refers to the original somniloquy and for gospel truth of idiot idiot. Compared with the ridiculous imagination talk rubbish. ...


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