

费了九牛二虎之力对应英文:Had a tremendous effort

我和妻儿们费了九牛二虎之力在“基辅旅馆”找到一个房间。对应英文:With my wife and children I took tremendous effort to find a room in the "Kiev Hotel".

2006年,一场普通的冬季风暴就淹没了好几个岛屿,政府费了九牛二虎之力才从成功解救出这些岛屿居民。对应英文:In 2006, a normal winter storm flooded several islands, the government took a tremendous effort to rescue the island residents.

我费了好大的劲(九牛二虎之力)才说服她放弃那古怪的念头。对应英文:I had great difficulty (tremendous effort) to persuade her to give up her strange idea.

我和妻儿们费了九牛二虎之力在“基辅旅馆”找到一个房间。对应英文:With my wife and children I took tremendous effort to find a room in the "Kiev Hotel".

2006年,一场普通的冬季风暴就淹没了好几个岛屿,政府费了九牛二虎之力才从成功解救出这些岛屿居民。对应英文:In 2006, a normal winter storm flooded several islands, the government took a tremendous effort to rescue the island residents.

他又费九牛二虎之力为老柯帕乌在一家银行里找了一个职员的位置。对应英文:He charges tremendous effort for the old Copau find a clerk in a bank location.

乌克兰总理季莫申科称,该国向俄罗斯结算10月天然气账单费了九牛二虎之力。对应英文:Ukraine's prime minister, Tymoshenko says, the country to the Russian settlement in October gas bill the tremendous effort.

他们费了九牛二虎之力,后来通过了一个非常巧妙的方式打开了这只盒子,里面同样也是一份地质勘探资料。对应英文:They spent a tremendous effort, and later through a very clever way to open the box, there is also a geological exploration data.

尽管敌人费了九牛二虎之力,其阴谋却以失败而告终。对应英文:Although the enemy had a tremendous effort, the plot ended in a fiasco.

虽然那是一部大房车,他们也费了九牛二虎之力,全部人才能上车。对应英文:Although it is a big car, they also had a tremendous effort, all people can get.

可是我真是费了九牛二虎之力才使它明白了我的意思。对应英文:But I really had a tremendous effort to understand what I mean.

就象先他而来的无数移民那样, 他的同化过程之完成是靠牺牲生命来捍卫这个费了九牛二虎之力才得以进入的社会。对应英文:Many immigrants like him first to it, to complete his assimilation process by sacrifice their lives to defend this took a tremendous effort to enter the society.

我们费了九牛二虎之力也没能把机器发动起来。对应英文:We had a tremendous effort also failed to start up the engine.


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