

不当家不知柴米贵对应英文:Not alone do not know Chai Migui

看过蜗居没家庭日常支出你没算过哈,首先你可以看一下你们夫妻两的月收入,再看看日常支出,比如交通费用,孩子的教育费用,衣食住行都要花钱,在吃方面是每天都经历的事,...对应英文:Our family daily expenses not seen you didn't calculate ha, first of all you can see your husband and wife two monthly income, then have a look the daily expenses, such as transportation costs, the cost of their children's education, basic necessities of life is to spend money, in eating experience every day,...

不养儿不知父母恩对应英文:Without her grace

不当家不知柴米贵,不养儿不知父母心。 放心,对的!对应英文:Not alone know Chai Migui, without her heart. Rest assured, right!

简单来说就是不亲身体验就不知做事难对应英文:Is simply not experience do not work hard

是穷人孩子早当家吧,我那时从不羡慕那些能拿到压岁钱的伙伴,我能理解父母的难处。 现在回过头来想想,那时...不知道这算不算是一种悲哀。 也许是自己小时候过年总是有很多...对应英文:Early masters of the poor children, I was never envy those who can get the gift money partner, I can understand the difficulties of their parents. Come to think of it, then... Did not know that this is a kind of sad. Maybe when I was young, have the Spring Festival always has a lot of...

不当家不知柴米贵,不养儿不知父母恩对应英文:Not alone know Chai Migui, without her grace

不养儿不知母亲恩对应英文:Don't bring up children, the mother grace

不当家不知柴米贵,不养儿不知父母恩。对应英文:Not alone know Chai Migui, without her grace.

英语的翻译是这样的 ' ' ...对应英文:The English translation is like this. ''...

不当家做主,是不会知道东西贵的 不当父母也不会知道父母的恩德对应英文:Don't take leadership, does not know what your improper parents don't know parents ende

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