

做个俏脸给瞎子看对应英文:Make a face for the blind

最吸引人的是她的那双大眼睛 虽是褐色 但却明亮又闪烁 此刻 这张俏脸上满是俏皮之色 我其实也不太会写、、不过应该是不错的 那啥 你要是想要描写其他的记得追问我 没...对应英文:The most attractive is her large eyes are brown, but bright and shining at the moment the Qiao face is full of playful color I don't write, should be good, but what if you want the other question I don't remember description...

就是可以发送彩字还有表情短信的软件,但是接收者必须也得安装这个软件,要不然收到打不开对应英文:Color words and expressions that can send SMS software, but the receiver must have to install this software, or receive not open

不要,跟正常短信收费一样,貌似要流量的,如果你包了套餐可以发 可是对方手机没有下载这个软件就收不到你发的表情,信息能收到。。。 我们一个宿舍都是系统,所以蛮方便...对应英文:Don't, charged with normal SMS, seems to flow, if you pack packages can be made but the other mobile phone not download this software will not receive your expression, information can be received... We are a hostel is a system, so very convenient...

给你美化短信的,加些表情之类的。。。。。删了它,它会定一个新浪的业务的对应英文:Give you beautify the messages, add some look like..... Delete it, it will set a Sina business

之前看过尼加瘦脸贴广告,价格太贵了,没用过。贝羽俏脸贴,价格算合适,一种水水润润的胶体,贴在脸上很冰凉,还在坚持使用中。对应英文:When the face lift and read before posting ads, the price is too expensive, not used. Bei Yu face stickers, price is appropriate, a water of wet gel, paste in the face of very cold, still insist on the use of.

不收,和正常短信是一样的。我以前就问过客服的。对应英文:Don't accept, and normal SMS is the same. I've asked the customer service.

Θǐγㄦぃウογㄦぃウοㄚ对应英文:Theta gamma well the 0 y ì Ji holiday does 0

复方精油吧对应英文:Compound essential oil

而不幸的是,无艳的一半俏脸被炸弹所伤,已不再拥有往日的花容月貌。所幸此时的宣王已明了爱的真谛,他毫不介意无艳变成什么样子。 因为爱的力量,齐宣王成为历史上一代明...对应英文:Unfortunately, half face no colourful injured by a bomb, no longer has once said of a woman or maiden. Fortunately, at this time the king Yiming the true meaning of love, he don't mind no colourful into what. Because of the power of love, the King became the generation of Ming dynasty...

美白食物尝尝鲜 不要以为只要"面子"功夫做足了,就会重拾一张白皙的俏脸。美丽总是由内而外的,饮食也是美白链条中绝对不能缺少的一环。维他命、蛋白质和矿物质、维他...对应英文:Whitening the taste of the food fresh do not think that as long as the "face" work done, will restore a white face. Beauty is always from the inside out, eating is also a must not be the missing link in the chain. Vitamins, protein and minerals, vitamin...


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