

不怕一万就怕万一对应英文:Ten thousand are not afraid afraid of the event

纪念馆的行政人员Meghshyam Ajgaonkar 承认:“不怕一万就怕万一,是我们叫相关部门去摘除那些椰子的。”对应英文:Museum executives Meghshyam Ajgaonkar admits: "ten thousand are not afraid afraid of the event, we asked the relevant departments to remove those coconuts."

纪念馆的行政人员Meghshyam Ajgaonkar 承认:“不怕一万就怕万一,是我们叫相关部门去摘除那些椰子的。”对应英文:Museum executives Meghshyam Ajgaonkar admits: "ten thousand are not afraid afraid of the event, we asked the relevant departments to remove those coconuts."


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