

释 义;比喻不分是非,不问情由。
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    bù fēn qīng hóng zào bái
    释 义
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他们批评塔利班在闹市或繁华道路引爆简易爆炸装置,“不分青红皂白”地杀害平民。对应英文:They criticized the Taliban in the downtown or downtown road detonated improvised explosive devices, "indiscriminately" killing civilians.

他们批评塔利班在闹市或繁华道路引爆简易爆炸装置,“不分青红皂白”地杀害平民。对应英文:They criticized the Taliban in the downtown or downtown road detonated improvised explosive devices, "indiscriminately" killing civilians.

我要说的是,我们不分青红皂白地将这些有毒的、具有强大生物功能的化学制品,交给了那些对这些制品的潜在危害基本上或者完全无知的人去使用。对应英文:I want to say is, we indiscriminately the toxic, biologically potent chemicals, given the potential damage to these products basically or completely ignorant.

然而,本杰明说,“基地”组织不分青红皂白地将伊拉克和巴基斯坦穆斯林平民当作攻击目标,因而疏远了很多原先同情该组织所宣扬的更高目标的民众。对应英文:However, Benjamin said, the "base" organization indiscriminately to Iraq and Pakistan Muslim civilians as the target, thus alienated many original sympathy the organization advocated higher goal people.

新加坡的李光耀批评西方人时说得没错,“西方人总是不分青红皂白地将它们的体系硬塞给一些没法用好这套体系的社会”。对应英文:Singapore's Li Guangyao got it right when he blamed Westerners, "Westerners always indiscriminately the system hard to not use this set of system of social".

我知道这种论点是基于同情心,但我认为这样一种不分青红皂白的做法既不明智也不公平。对应英文:I know that this argument is based on sympathy, but I think this kind of indiscriminately is neither wise nor fair.

在她关于美国不分青红皂白使用杀虫剂的研究中,卡森很快被从幕后推向前台。对应英文:In her study of American indiscriminately use of pesticides, Carson soon was pushed to the front from behind the scenes.

报告强烈建议减少对直接付款的依赖,但并没有要求不分青红皂白一律立即停止使用者付费做法。对应英文:The report strongly recommended to reduce reliance on direct payments, but does not require indiscriminately will immediately stop users pay practices.

这些奖金多半不分青红皂白按人头发到当时在所谓的“高危”领域服役的军官,根本不作业绩评估。对应英文:Most of these bonuses indiscriminately in human hair was in the so-called "high-risk" field service officers, not for performance evaluation.

最危险事情莫过于:原本只是对过度金融风险的合理批评,最终却变成对整个全球化不分青红皂白的攻击。对应英文:The most dangerous thing than: originally only rational criticism of excessive financial risks, eventually become the globalization indiscriminately attack.

大量不分青红皂白的检查和事故不断提高卡车的保养成本。对应英文:A lot of indiscriminately inspection and accident continuously improve truck maintenance costs.

危机当下通常会发生投资者反应过度的情况,像华尔街专家们说的那样:不分青红皂白一股脑儿地抛售股票。对应英文:The present crisis usually occurs investors over reaction, like Wall Street experts say: indiscriminately altogether selling.

内阁大臣们首先应该质问的是对于大公司和超级富豪不分青红皂白的依赖。对应英文:Ministers should first question is dependent on wheat and chaff regardless of the company and the super rich.

发明这东西的目的本是为了驱赶那些公共场所里违法乱纪的年轻人,然而也不分青红皂白地赶走了品行端正的青年、吓着了蹒跚学步的儿童、吵醒了睡梦中的婴儿。对应英文:It's designed to keep the young people who violate the law and public places, but also the indiscriminate away well behaved young, frightened toddlers, woke up the sleeping baby.

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