

不知天高地厚对应英文:Have an exaggerated opinion of one's abilities
读音bù zhī tiān gāo dì hòu ,意为不知道天有多高,地有多深。形容骄狂无知。
    词 目
    发 音
    bù zhī tiān gāo dì hòu
    释 义
    出 处

这被描绘成了一桩鸡毛蒜皮的小事,只有某些愤世嫉俗,不知天高地厚,不掂掂自己斤两的美国人在那里执着的追根问底。对应英文:This has been portrayed as a trifles, only certain detest the world and its ways, arrogant, not heft own weight of Americans there dedicated to get to the bottom of the matter.

结果造就出一大批不知天高地厚的青少年,不是生活无法独立自主,就是感情经不起挫折;对应英文:The results bring out a large number of young people not know the immensity of heaven and earth, life can not stand on one's own, is feeling the frustrated;

「把金钱与财产提早分给「未成年的孩子」,这样的孩子就容易变得不知天高地厚,最终因为懒散而成不了才。」对应英文:"Take the money and property to" early immature children, such children are likely to become arrogant, eventually because of lazy and can't do. "

这被描绘成了一桩鸡毛蒜皮的小事,只有某些愤世嫉俗,不知天高地厚,不掂掂自己斤两的美国人在那里执着的追根问底。对应英文:This has been portrayed as a trifles, only certain detest the world and its ways, arrogant, not heft own weight of Americans there dedicated to get to the bottom of the matter.

结果造就出一大批不知天高地厚的青少年,不是生活无法独立自主,就是感情经不起挫折;对应英文:The results bring out a large number of young people not know the immensity of heaven and earth, life can not stand on one's own, is feeling the frustrated;

「把金钱与财产提早分给「未成年的孩子」,这样的孩子就容易变得不知天高地厚,最终因为懒散而成不了才。」对应英文:"Take the money and property to" early immature children, such children are likely to become arrogant, eventually because of lazy and can't do. "

那年,15岁,初三,叛逆的年龄,可是,我们真的很年轻,年轻的不知天高地厚;面临中考,还是照样的玩到天昏地暗。对应英文:That year, 15 years old, junior, rebellious age, however, we were really young, young arrogant; facing the senior high school entrance examination, or still play a murky sky over a dark earth.

可是无论他到哪里,总有些不知天高地厚的小子要同他一较高下。对应英文:But wherever he goes, there are always some arrogant boy to compete with him.

然而政府资助的搞研究的科学家们不断地攻击私有公司,把他们说成应该退出此项研究的不知天高地厚的人,这种做法是错误的。对应英文:However, the government funded research scientists continue to attack a Private Held Company, call it should exit from this study arrogant person, this is wrong.

我们是一群不知天高地厚的重庆美女,在市政府微企办的扶持下,走上自主创业的道路。对应英文:We are a group of bragging of Chongqing beauty, in City Hall micro enterprise run support, go on independent the road of entrepreneurship.

俗语不知天高地厚bù zhī tiān gāo dì hòu是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/2089.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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