

刀架脖子上对应英文:Neck knife

我们的目标不是到了小组赛的末轮刀架在脖子上了。对应英文:Our goal is not to play at the end of round knife in the neck.

其中李某从背后拿起一把西瓜长刀架到罗某的脖子上说:“把你身上的钱叫出来,否则就砍死你们三个。”对应英文:Lee picked up one from behind a long watermelon knives Luomou to the neck, said: "you called him the money out, or hacked to death three of you."

他们作案目标是夜晚单身行人,一人在后面将受害者眼睛蒙住,一人拿刀架在其脖子上,另一人搜身。对应英文:They are targets of crime is a single pedestrian at night, one blindfolded in the back of the victim, a man holding a knife to his neck, another search.

我们的目标不是到了小组赛的末轮刀架在脖子上了。对应英文:Our goal is not to play at the end of round knife in the neck.

其中李某从背后拿起一把西瓜长刀架到罗某的脖子上说:“把你身上的钱叫出来,否则就砍死你们三个。”对应英文:Lee picked up one from behind a long watermelon knives Luomou to the neck, said: "you called him the money out, or hacked to death three of you."

他们作案目标是夜晚单身行人,一人在后面将受害者眼睛蒙住,一人拿刀架在其脖子上,另一人搜身。对应英文:They are targets of crime is a single pedestrian at night, one blindfolded in the back of the victim, a man holding a knife to his neck, another search.


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