

多一事不如少一事对应英文:Mind your own business
多一事不如少一事,指不管闲事,事情越少越好。出处 清·刘鹗《老残游记》第十二回 。
    词 目
    发 音
    duō yī shì bù rú shǎo yī shì
    释 义
    出 处

多一事不如少一事!对应英文:Mind your own business.

有些人得过且过, 采取“多一事不如少一事”的态度。对应英文:Some people take the muddle along, "It's better to save trouble." attitude.

看来,有些共产党员的头脑里平均主义思想还不少,到处有抵触,结果是多一事不如少一事,不了了之。对应英文:Look, some members of the Communist Party's mind is also a lot of egalitarianism, everywhere there is conflict, the result is It's better to save trouble., settle a matter by leaving it unsettled.

看来,有些共产党员的头脑里平均主义思想还不少,到处有抵触,结果是多一事不如少一事,不了了之。对应英文:Look, some members of the Communist Party's mind is also a lot of egalitarianism, everywhere there is conflict, the result is It's better to save trouble., settle a matter by leaving it unsettled.

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