

吃力不讨好对应英文:A thankless task
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    chī lì bù tǎo hǎo
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要是你所在的地方有经理,请他或她出面去做这种“吃力不讨好的事”。对应英文:If you place a manager, ask him or her to do this "a thankless task".

随着乡村地区对于意识形态兴趣毫无保留的流失,地方政府正好可以卸掉那些令它们感到吃力不讨好的责任。对应英文:With the rural area for the ideological interest unreserved loss, the local government is able to remove those who make them feel a thankless task responsibility.

外交关系委员会成员一致感谢克罗克同意去担任这个吃力不讨好的新岗位,然而每个人几乎都在怀疑这项任务能否顺利完成。对应英文:Members of the Council on foreign relations consistent thank Crocker agreed to take this a thankless task of new jobs, however, virtually everyone in doubt this task can be completed successfully.

随着乡村地区对于意识形态兴趣毫无保留的流失,地方政府正好可以卸掉那些令它们感到吃力不讨好的责任。对应英文:With the rural area for the ideological interest unreserved loss, the local government is able to remove those who make them feel a thankless task responsibility.

外交关系委员会成员一致感谢克罗克同意去担任这个吃力不讨好的新岗位,然而每个人几乎都在怀疑这项任务能否顺利完成。对应英文:Members of the Council on foreign relations consistent thank Crocker agreed to take this a thankless task of new jobs, however, virtually everyone in doubt this task can be completed successfully.

因为存在这些问题, 在VSTO外接程序里实现一个COM 智能标记是一件吃力不讨好的事情。对应英文:Because of these problems, the VSTO external program to achieve a COM smart tag is a thankless task.

当伴娘从来都是个吃力不讨好的活儿,因为伴娘的礼服通常都很坑爹,但是现在形势不同了,女人们终于有了抢着去当伴娘的正当理由。对应英文:When the maid of honor is always a thankless task work, because the bridesmaid dresses are usually cheating, but now the situation is different, the women had a legitimate reason rushing to when.

而这名女侍应呢,她被安排完成这项吃力不讨好的任务要在全英国其中一个最直率的素食主义者面前为这碗豌豆火腿汤辩解,她只好羞愧地耸耸肩。对应英文:But the waitress, she was arranged to Britain where the defending pea and ham soup before a most direct vegetarian finish a thankless task, she was ashamed to shrug.

“用实例引导他,”劳埃德说,“这个晚上你决定不当吃力不讨好的主导,把一切交给他。”对应英文:"Guide his example," said Lloyd, "leading the night you decided not to a thankless task, put all to him."

只要继续在现有的或不愉快和吃力不讨好的关系可以是一个最悲惨的经历任何人都可以面对。对应英文:As long as the existing or continuing in an unhappy and a thankless task relationship can be one of the most miserable experiences anybody can face.

他们很少为吃力不讨好的工作动脑筋。对应英文:They rarely is a thankless task work thinking.

虽然时时都会遇到这种吃力不讨好,受尽很多委屈,但是还是无怨。对应英文:Although always will encounter such a thankless task, had many grievances, but still no resentment.

它也是吃力不讨好地把时间用在分级、设计和重新设计课程,并为进一步增强学习效果准备材料。对应英文:It is a thankless task of the time used in classification, design and re design courses, and for further enhancing the effect of learning to prepare materials.

这种角色通常被认为是吃力不讨好的。对应英文:This role is often considered a thankless task.

这种角色通常被变为是吃力不讨好的。对应英文:This role is to be a thankless task.

尽管如此,这并不意味着谷歌搭救雅虎就是吃力不讨好。考虑到以下六种可能的情况,收购雅虎对谷歌来说或许不失为一桩美事。对应英文:However, this does not mean that Google rescue Yahoo! Is a thankless task. Consider the following six kinds of possible acquisition of Google, Yahoo! Might be a good thing.

这是吃力不讨好的任务所面临的尼克克雷格沃勒,营销总监的IIR展览。对应英文:This is a thankless task task faced by Nick Craig Waller, marketing director at IIR exhibition.

何必做这样吃力不讨好还可能身败名裂的事情,不可取。对应英文:Why do such a thankless task may also lose all standing and reputation thing, not desirable.

这下王子搜紧张了,他实在不愿意当这个吃力不讨好,又有生命危险的国王。对应英文:The prince sou nervous, he really do not want to when this is a thankless task, and have dangerous life king.

喜欢做吃力不讨好的事情大约和音乐也有点关系。对应英文:Love to do a thankless task that has something to do with music.

我的学习习惯已经荡然无存,起初我会坐在安静明亮的厨房桌子上按部就班地复习,但现在这个吃力不讨好的学习过程已经让我不厌其烦。对应英文:My study habits have all gone, I'll be sitting follow the prescribed order review in quiet and bright kitchen table at first, but now it is a thankless task learning process has made me not to mind taking the trouble.

那种证明‘此路不通’的吃力不讨好的工作,就让我来做吧。对应英文:Prove that 'this way.' a thankless task work, let me do it.

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