

大树底下好乘凉对应英文:A good tree is a good shelter
大树底下好乘凉比喻有所依托,事情就好办。出处 元·无名氏《刘弘嫁婢》第一折。
                词 目 大树底下好乘凉   发 音 dà shù dǐ xià hǎo chéng liàng  释 义 比喻有所依托,事情就好办。  出 处 元·无名氏《刘弘嫁婢》第一折:“每日则是吃他家的,便好道这大树底下好

不久小红辞职了,同村的人问小红,怎么人家小明的工作好好的,你怎么那么浮躁啊,小红应道"人家小明命好啊,人家在大树底下好乘凉,我呢命运多舛,跟人家比不了。"对应英文:Soon a red resigned, the person of the village asked little red, how people Xiao Ming work well, how do you so impetuous ah, little red said "people Ming life good ah, people from under the tree, I am ill fated, compared with the family. "

另外,大树产生的阴影本身也抵挡了阳光红外线带来的温度。这样,在大树树荫下的温度确实要比一般建筑物阴影下的温度更低。 所以说大树底下好乘凉是有道理的。对应英文:In addition, the tree shadows itself against the sun infrared temperature brought about. So, in the tree shade temperature is better than general building under the shadow of lower temperature. So Great trees are good for shade. is justified.

当然,若是太热的话,叶片表面的气孔会关闭以减少蒸腾作用降低水分流失。 第三,"树大招风"对应英文:Of course, if it's too hot, stomatal blade surface will be closed to reduce transpiration reducing moisture loss. Third a person in a high position is liable to be attacked.

大树中的水分会通过叶子蒸发出去,也就是所谓的蒸腾作用,而这个过程是会吸收空气一部分的热量的,而且在树底下树叶能遮住阳光,当然会感觉凉爽了。对应英文:The trees in the water will evaporate out through the leaves, also known as transpiration, and this process will absorb a part of air heat, and the leaves in the tree can cover the sun, of course, will feel cool.

方法分别放置与遮阳伞与大树下,测量同一时刻的温度. 原理大树含水.水分蒸发会致冷.另外,水的比热大,升高相同的温度吸收的热量多. 楼主初三这道题我做到过.对应英文:Methods were placed with sunshade and under the big tree, measured in the same time temperature. Principles of tree water. Evaporation of water freezing. In addition, the specific heat of water, increase the same temperature absorbs more heat. The landlord 3 this question I do too

由于蒸发吸收了大量的热,使周围变凉。所以在树下就感到很凉爽。 望采纳!谢谢对应英文:Because the evaporation absorbs heat, so that the surrounding cooler. So I feel very cool under the tree. Looking to adopt! Thank you

、大树下面的入量不均,使得空气流动,加速大树底下的气流。也是造成大树底下凉快的原因。对应英文:Under the big tree, is uneven, the air flow, the flow acceleration under trees. Is the cause of tree cool reason.

小方的.大树、温度计、遮阳伞.在阳光下,分别将温度计挂在大树和遮阳伞下,过一段时间后观察温度计示数变化..在大树下,由于大树能遮挡阳光,并且由于植物蒸腾吸热,...对应英文:Xiao Fang. Trees, thermometer, sunshade. In the sunshine, respectively the thermometer hanging in the trees and sunshade, observe the thermometer shows few changes. Under the big tree over a period of time, because trees can block sunlight, and because the plant transpiration endothermic,...

选,蒸腾作用能降低温度,而光合作用是将二氧化碳变成氧气释放出来,和降温无关。对应英文:Selection can reduce the temperature, transpiration, photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen is released, and temperature independent.

大树树枝叶遮挡住阳光,气温降低,而且植物的蒸腾作用也加湿了空气,所以说大树底下好乘凉对应英文:The tree branches and leaves cover the sun, the temperature decreased, and plant transpiration and humidifying air, so that the Great trees are good for shade

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