

后浪推前浪对应英文:After steady wave
后浪推前浪   拼音:    解释: 江水奔流,前后相继。比喻后面的事物推动前面的事物,象后浪推动前浪一样,不断前进。

大海后浪推前浪的气势,这些特点肯定都有一定的感人之处。对应英文:After the sea waves steady momentum, these characteristics must have certain moving.

寓示着塘厦镇的体育运动事业长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代繁盛兴旺。对应英文:Hint at following sports career of the Yangtze river waves steady, after more than a generation were thriving.

渐渐的潮来了,汹涌的潮水后浪赶推前浪,一排排白花花的潮水簇拥着冲过来!对应英文:Gradually the tide comes, after surging tide waves driven kids, surrounded by rows of glistening tide blunt come over!

大海后浪推前浪的气势,这些特点肯定都有一定的感人之处。对应英文:After the sea waves steady momentum, these characteristics must have certain moving.

寓示着塘厦镇的体育运动事业长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代繁盛兴旺。对应英文:Hint at following sports career of the Yangtze river waves steady, after more than a generation were thriving.

渐渐的潮来了,汹涌的潮水后浪赶推前浪,一排排白花花的潮水簇拥着冲过来!对应英文:Gradually the tide comes, after surging tide waves driven kids, surrounded by rows of glistening tide blunt come over!

最后他干脆利落地说:“我没有称雄的野心,我只想在这里找个漂亮的女朋友,后浪不会推前浪,所以请各位学长不要觉得有压力。”对应英文:Finally he flat and agile ground to say: "I have no ambitions throughout the, I just want to find a beautiful girlfriend here, after the waves will not steady, so seniors please don't feel the pressure."

物事恰如长江水,后浪永远推前浪。对应英文:Things like the Yangtze river water, wave after kids forever.

她说得一点不错。当年巴里大夫曾经是个使女人倾心的男人,年轻人后浪推前浪地拥上来,他感到不满。对应英文:She said a little well.

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