

鬼迷心窍对应英文:Be possessed by ghosts
解 释 鬼怪迷惑住心窍。比喻因迷恋某种事物而认识不清,思维能力

赛程过半,最好的展出影片是一位在美国工作的伊朗人所带来的有关鬼迷心窍的低成本故事。对应英文:Halfway through the race, the best in show is a American work in Iran brought about by the low cost of the story be possessed by ghosts.

但那没有能阻止斯塔尔在阿肯色州的副手希克曼·尤因,因为想追查到我们的任何错处,他和斯塔尔一样鬼迷心窍,而且几乎不会掩饰。对应英文:But that didn't stop Starr in Arkansas's deputy Hickman Ewing, because want to run into any mistakes we, he and Starr be possessed by ghosts, and almost never hide.

她从来没有这么鬼迷心窍过。对应英文:She had never been so be possessed by ghosts.

赛程过半,最好的展出影片是一位在美国工作的伊朗人所带来的有关鬼迷心窍的低成本故事。对应英文:Halfway through the race, the best in show is a American work in Iran brought about by the low cost of the story be possessed by ghosts.

但那没有能阻止斯塔尔在阿肯色州的副手希克曼·尤因,因为想追查到我们的任何错处,他和斯塔尔一样鬼迷心窍,而且几乎不会掩饰。对应英文:But that didn't stop Starr in Arkansas's deputy Hickman Ewing, because want to run into any mistakes we, he and Starr be possessed by ghosts, and almost never hide.

建筑师艾伯特·斯皮尔认为,那时的建筑师“完全对重起炉灶的想法鬼迷心窍,不过,这种念头在纳粹彻底失败后也是可以理解的”。对应英文:Architect Albert Spear think, when the architect "to begin all over again the idea be possessed by ghosts, however, this idea is understandable in Nazi thoroughly after the failure of the".

西方商业文化作出的一条普遍批评是这种行为是短视的,这项交易所带来的激动弄得人们鬼迷心窍,同时还繁衍出了背信弃义。对应英文:Western business culture. A common criticism of this is short-sighted, the thrill of the deal to get people to be possessed by ghosts, but also produce the treachery.

不要鬼迷心窍,“不要因为系统停止工作5分钟就去重新培训你的整个开发团队”,Squirrel说道,“相反,你应该根据问题定义出相关的任务”。对应英文:Don't be possessed by ghosts, "not because the system stops working for 5 minutes to re train your whole team," Squirrel said, "on the contrary, you should according to the problem of defining related tasks".

女人到底想找一个实实在在过日子的醇厚男人,还是想要一个令你神魂颠倒鬼迷心窍的毒药男人?对应英文:Women really want to find a real live the rich man, still want a make you be entranced man be possessed by ghosts of poison?

他简直权欲熏心、鬼迷心窍了,居然做出这样的事来。对应英文:He's power needs, be possessed by ghosts, would do such a thing.

尽管传统的道德文明也不允许在巫术中使用人体器官,但鬼迷心窍的人认为动物器官效力太弱,所以还是选择使用人体器官。对应英文:Although the traditional moral civilization also does not allow the use of human organs in witchcraft, but be possessed by ghosts of the people think that animal organ potency is too weak, so still choose to use human organs.

俗语鬼迷心窍guǐ mí xīn qiào是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/2007.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

出 处 清·李绿园《歧路灯》第61回:“一时鬼迷心窍,后悔不及。” 用 法 主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义 示 例 赵树理《表明态度》:“我真像从前的人说的'~'了,现在可算把鬼打跑了!” 反义词 迷途知返 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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