

不登大雅之堂对应英文:Of the not appeal
不登大雅之堂,发 音 bù dēng dà yǎ zhī táng,释 义 形容某些不被人看重的、“粗俗”的事物(多指文艺作品)。
    词 目
    发 音
    bù dēng dà yǎ zhī táng
    释 义
    出 处
    示 例

但就是这种不登大雅之堂的小门面,现在一个月轻轻松松能玩转近20单转按揭业务。对应英文:But it is the appearance of the not appeal to small, now a month can easily play nearly 20 single turn mortgage business.

因为早先不登大雅之堂的座便器、台盆、龙头等等,如今都是室内景观的一部分了。对应英文:Because in the past of the not appeal to implement, stage basin, bibcock, etc, are now part of indoor landscape.

他的祝酒词十分机智有趣,不过其中也有些不登大雅之堂的话。对应英文:His toast very witty and interesting, but also some of the not appeal.

但就是这种不登大雅之堂的小门面,现在一个月轻轻松松能玩转近20单转按揭业务。对应英文:But it is the appearance of the not appeal to small, now a month can easily play nearly 20 single turn mortgage business.

因为早先不登大雅之堂的座便器、台盆、龙头等等,如今都是室内景观的一部分了。对应英文:Because in the past of the not appeal to implement, stage basin, bibcock, etc, are now part of indoor landscape.

他的祝酒词十分机智有趣,不过其中也有些不登大雅之堂的话。对应英文:His toast very witty and interesting, but also some of the not appeal.

曾经是不登大雅之堂的言语,如今充斥于电影、戏剧、书籍之中,甚至充斥在电视上。对应英文:Once was of the not appeal to words, now is in the movies, plays, books, or even on TV.

与古埃及晚期壮丽辉煌的黄金与墓饰相比,这些小小的陶牛真是登不上大雅之堂。对应英文:And the late ancient Egypt brilliant gold compared with the tomb ornaments, these little clay cows are a hall of thing.

丹尔顿和他的团队正通过利用登不上杂志大雅之堂的小事件玩一场聪明的统计学游戏。对应英文:Dan, and his team are using no magazines to jedaiah hall of small events play a game smart statistics.

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