

可与人言无一二对应英文:And the people said no one or two

人生不如意事十之八九,可与人言着无一二"最初的说法出自宋人方岳诗"不如意事常八九,可与语人无二三。" 意思生活中不如意的事情有很多,但是能倾心交谈的人却...对应英文:Life unpleasant things nine in ten, can say no one or two "the initial statement from Fang Yue of the Song Dynasty poetry" often unhappy things with eight or nine people, two or three people with no language. "There are many unpleasant things mean life, but can have a heart to heart talk people...

人生本就无常 多情自古伤离别 生老病死 爱者永逝 乱我心伤 想那如意之事 不过一二 瞬间难留 不如意十之八九乎 ......... 当一个人通常到了岁左右的时候 你首先会发...对应英文:The impermanence of life from time immemorial injury parting and love gone forever let me heartache to the best things but one or two moment difficult to stay unhappy almost nine in ten... When a man always to the old when you first...

别子才司令 不如意事常八九,可与语人无二三。 自识荆门子才甫,梦驰铁马战城南。 -------见《全宋诗》-方岳·卷一对应英文:Specific to the commander often unhappy things eight or nine, no two or three and language. Self awareness of Jingmen is just a dream, Chi iron horse south of war. - see "Dynasty" - Fang Yue volume one

我对待侯生的礼节也算够周到了,天下没有不知道的,现在我将要战死而侯生竟然没有一言半语送我走,我难道有什么失礼的地方吗"于是又带领车骑返回,询问侯生。...对应英文:I treat the doctor courtesy too thoughtful, the world did not know, I will die and the doctor was not a word or two to send me now, I don't have what faux pas "and lead the ride back, ask Hou Sheng. ...

方岳不如意事常八九,可与语人无二三。自识荆门子才甫,梦驰铁马战城南。对应英文:Fang Yue often unhappy things eight or nine, no two or three and language. Self awareness of Jingmen is just a dream, Chi iron horse south of war.

楼上什么解释,郁闷,不会就别乱说这句话的意思是人生在世,十件事有八九件事不能称心如意,可以交心说话的人,有时候连两三人都找不到。对应英文:What explains the upstairs, depressed, not just don't lie about the meaning of this sentence is life, the ten thing is the eight or nine thing is not as one wishes, can talk talk, sometimes even two or three people can not find.

但是,每每当你想跟别人申诉时,别人不是有同样的景况,就是没心情听你的,因而能与人讲的也极少,所谓知音难求也。其实,遇到不如意的事时,只要你冷静下来,将事件放一放,...对应英文:But, when you want to tell others appeal, others do not have the same situation, just not in the mood to listen to you, so to speak is rare, the so-called friends are hard to find and. In fact, meet the unpleasant things, as long as you calm down, put the event,...

人生不如意事十之八九,可与人言着无一二"最初的说法出自宋人方岳诗"不如意事常八九,可与语人无二三。" 意思生活中不如意的事情有很多,但是能倾心交谈的人却很少...对应英文:Life unpleasant things nine in ten, can say no one or two "the initial statement from Fang Yue of the Song Dynasty poetry" often unhappy things with eight or nine people, two or three people with no language. "There are many unhappy things in life can mean a heart to heart talk, but seldom...

' , .对应英文:',

行于世,当识人,识人不必探尽,探尽则多疑当知人,知人不必言尽,言尽则无友当责人,责人不必苛尽,苛尽则众远当敬人,敬人不必卑尽,卑尽则少骨当让人,让人不必退尽,退尽...对应英文:In the world, when the knowledge of people, people don't have to probe, probe as suspicious when people, one need not say much, speak without friends accountability, responsible people do not have harsh, harsh as far as the honor, respect people who do not, and do less bone when people, let a person do not have back, back...


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