

人无外财不富对应英文:No money is not rich

人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥。--语出《增广贤文》【含义】通过不正当的渠道得来的意外收获,比喻不靠自身努力而只想天上掉馅饼的事。我看其实就是贪官污吏为自己的受贿...对应英文:No windfall is not rich, horse night grass fertilizer. - derived from "kind" [] extended meaning through improper channels to windfall, analogy not through their own efforts and just pie in the sky. I see is actually corrupt officials for their acceptance of bribes...

人无外财不富,原本含义是褒义的,但在特定的环境下往往被理解成贬义的。我的理解是再好的马如果只给它一日三餐,夜间不加饲料的话,他也不会肥壮起来就如同人一样,只守...对应英文:No money is not rich, the original meaning is positive, but in the specific environment is often interpreted as derogatory. My understanding is that it is a good horse if it gives only three meals a day, night not feed it, he also won't fat up like people, just keep...

人恶人怕天不怕,人善人欺天不欺对应英文:The wicked man is afraid of people fear, a wrong day don't cheat

你怎么理解这个横财了。 我想,如果把他理解成机遇的话。这句话是对的。人要成功肯定必须有机遇。 可是问题在于,如果你没有成功,你永远不知道现在面前的这个到底是不是...对应英文:How do you understand this windfall. I think, if he understood the opportunity. This sentence is right. People must have the opportunity to succeed. But the problem is, if you don't succeed, you never know what Is it right? Now in front of the...

相见易得好,久住难为人。 马行无力皆因瘦,人不风流只为贫。 饶人不是痴汉,痴汉不会饶人。 是亲不是亲,非... 茫茫四海人无数,哪个男儿是丈夫。 白酒酿成缘好客,黄金散尽...对应英文:To better meet difficult, long live. A line of weakness for thin, not only for the poor. Forgive not idiot idiot, not forgive. Is not dear dear, non... The world of countless people, which man is her husband. Liquor into edge of hospitality, gold cleared...

人无横财不富,马无野草不肥。 人恶人怕天不怕,人善人欺天不欺。 善恶到头终有报,只争来早与来迟。 "对应英文:No windfall is not rich, the horse without weeds not fat. The wicked man is afraid of people fear, a wrong day don't cheat. Good and evil will always be rewarded, only to early and late. "

人不干点别的,来点儿外财(多指不义之财)是不会富裕的。 这种说法是一种教人犯罪的说法,可惜很流行,大家要抵制!对应英文:People don't do something else, some extra income (especially ill-gotten gains) is not rich. This view is a kind of teaching people to crime, but very popular, we have to resist!

人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥。这话几乎尽人皆知,很多人以为有理,其实却是以讹传讹。"横财"原是"恒财"之误。春秋时,亚圣孟子说"人无恒产则无恒心"。话中的"恒产"就是"...对应英文:No windfall is not rich, horse night grass fertilizer. It almost be known to all, a lot of people think rational, but actually circulate erroneous reports. "Windfall" was originally "Heng Choi" error. During the spring and Autumn period, Mencius said, "people have not is no persistence". If the "property" is"...

人如果只依靠本身的那点本钱难发财,马只有吃野草才长膘对应英文:If people only rely on to rich the capital itself, the horse only eat weeds will gain weight

横财的意思就是以外之财。其实也不是一种贬义啊,我觉得是指人如果想过的富有一些就应该找对方法,只有这样才可以事半功倍,做到富有啊对应英文:The mean outside money. In fact, not a bad ah, I feel that refers to a person if some thought it should look for the method, only then can be twice the result with half the effort, do it


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