

理劝不如利劝对应英文:Li advised as Li advised

理智点说 应该说你不应该让她学理,因为你知道她理学的不好。 如果她学理学不好考不上大学 你怎么向她交代 ,你们还小,不要拿以后开玩笑。选择要慎重,不要太自私了!对应英文:Reason should be that you shouldn't let her academic, because you know she's not good science. Science is not good if she don't get into university how you explain to her, you still small, don't make fun of later. Choose carefully, do not be too selfish!

《金缕衣》 作者杜秋娘 劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时。 花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。对应英文:"Fur coat" author Du Qiuniang Jun Mo Xi fur coat, only your youth. If a bud open, gather it. Lest you but wait for an empty bough.

做下去,佛祖看了心酸(我信佛)。然后,一个孩子只有受了教育才能健康成长,学校并不是单纯学习理论知识的地方,你总要孩子到社会上混吧学校就是一个小社会,得让他学会和...对应英文:To do so, the Buddha looked sad (I believe). Then, a child only education can the healthy development, the school is not only learning theory knowledge, you always want to children to mixed society. The school is a small society, let him learn and...

。其实理财也很简单的,就是开源节流。所谓的开源就是投资理财,是利用各种投资品种来实现收益最大化的。目的就是为了打开更多的收入渠道。"天下没有免费的午餐"收益...对应英文:. In fact, financial management is also very simple, is to broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure. The so-called open source is the investment banking, is the use of various varieties of investment to maximize revenue. The purpose is to open up more channels of income. "There is no free lunch" income...

职称什么的这样你的待遇也高了,出了门,你、我、咱公司,不都有面子你说是不是这个理对应英文:What's your title such treatment is also high, out the door, you, me, our company does not have the face, you say Is it right? This principle

在父母之间,你是一个不可替代的调停人,你要利用你独特的身份,要注意方法,来调解父母之间的矛盾。父母吵架,切忌谁都不要帮,你会越帮越乱。吵架是夫妻生活中的常事,但不...对应英文:Between parents, you are an irreplaceable mediator, you have to use your unique identity, to pay attention to methods, to mediate the conflicts between parents. Parents fight, avoid by all means is who all don't help, you will be more help and more. The quarrel is commonplace in life of husband and wife, but not...

法受教育既是公民的权利,又是公民的义务。国家保护未成年人的受教育权不被侵犯。对于那些违反法律,对未成年人的受教育权进行妨碍的行为,会受到法律的制裁。 作为家长...对应英文:Law education is not only the rights of citizens, and the obligations of citizenship. The state of the protection of minors the right to education was not violated. For those who violate the law, the right to education of the minors are handicapping, will be punished by law. As a parent...

说实在话,我个人因为也不清楚情况但是按照女生的想法,很有可能是对他没意思只是享受被追的感觉,当然也有少数人是不好意思或是在考验。 那么就有一个解决方案了,叫你朋...对应英文:To tell the truth, I personally because are not aware of the situation but in women, is likely to mean not just enjoy being feeling for him, of course, there are a few people feel shy or in the test. Then there is a solution, is your friend...

但是破坏容易恢复难,看看我们生存的地球已经千疮百孔的现状就可见风水的问题远远不如人心问题重要,人心问题解决了,风水自然就变好了。再谈命运,学佛的人都知道,控制每...对应英文:But the damage is difficult to recover, have a look of our earth has been in a disastrous state is visible Feng Shui problems far less heart problems, solve the problem of the heart, naturally become good Feng shui. Talk about fate, he knows, control each...

作为男朋友三天没理你的女朋友,你是不在乎还是有事情这种事情不至于分手,而且她说再想一下,说明她还是在乎你的,想考虑清楚,我想你应该约她出来或打电话,发信息告诉她...对应英文:As a boyfriend for three days did not manage your girlfriend, you don't care about or something that will not break, and she said again, that she still cares about you, want to consider to be clear about, I think you should ask her out or make a phone call, send a message to tell her...


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