

朝里无人莫做官对应英文:In no mo official
中国成语。cháo lǐ wú rén mò zuò guān。旧时俗语。意思是,没有靠山,事办不成。
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朝里无人莫做官 á ǐ ú é ò ò ā 俗语。谓旧时官场中党同伐异,互相倾轧,没有靠山的不要去做官。《荡寇志》第七七回"俗语说得好,朝里无人莫做官,真是不差...对应英文:In no mo official á ì Ji ú é ò ò ā saying. That old officialdom politics, strife, no background not to do it. "Dang" article seven seven "as the saying goes, in no mo official, is really not bad...

手里有钱好办事,朝中无人莫做官。对应英文:The hands of the rich good service, the unmanned Mo official.


是朝里无人莫做官 出自清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》对应英文:No one is in an official from the Qing, Wu Mo "twenty years have witnessed a strange situation"

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

推荐几本,红衣候,律师皇后,警花皇后,师兄个个都好坏,明月心(开头有点大众化)王爷本红妆,铿锵红颜之风行天下,云狂(这个很好看的),少年丞相世外客也不错对应英文:Some recommendations, red Hou, lawyers from the queen, Queen, brother are all good or bad, the moon heart (at the beginning of a point mass) was the dowry, sonorous Confidante are popular in the world, cloud crazy (the good), the prime minister also good world guest juvenile

只怕管 不念僧面念佛面 不以一眚掩大德 不自由,毋宁死 长江后浪推前浪 朝里无人莫做官 成也萧何败萧何 秤砣虽小压千斤 吃一堑,长一智 初生之犊不畏虎对应英文:But don't read saki read the Buddha Defects cannot belittle virtues. Death is preferable to slavery. Yangtze each wave pushing at the one ahead in no mo official into also Xiao Hebai Xiao He weights are small pressure jack a newborn calf, Naga Ichi afraid of the tiger

不可告人、才气过人、才识过人、才子佳人 仓卒主人、沧浪老人、察己知人、朝里无人莫做官、成败论人 齿颊挂人、出口伤人、楚楚动人、楚楚可人、穿井得人 春风风人、...对应英文:Not to be divulged, talented, great, gifted scholars and beautiful ladies to, Canglanglaoren, Chajizhiren, in no mo official, Chengbailunren Chijiaguaren, offend by rude remarks, lovingly pathetic, delicate and touching, Chuanjingderen grace that has spread to all,...

不甘后人不敢后人、不可告人、才气过人、才识过人、才子佳人仓卒主人、沧浪老人、察己知人、朝里无人莫做官、成败论人齿颊挂人、出口伤人、楚楚动人、楚楚可人、穿井...对应英文:Cannot bear playing second fiddle, unwilling to fall behind others not to be divulged, talented, great, gifted scholars and beautiful ladies to, Canglanglaoren, Chajizhiren, in no mo official, Chengbailunren Chijiaguaren, offend by rude remarks, lovingly pathetic, delicate and touching, wear well...

察己知人 出口伤人 沧浪老人 不知人间有羞耻事 春满人间 才气过人 差强人意 持人长短 侈人观听 朝里无人莫做官 稠人广众 稠人广座 稠人广坐 仇人见面,分外眼红 催人泪...对应英文:I do not know the world has Chajizhiren offend by rude remarks Canglanglaoren shame spring is all over the human world talented just passable control Chirenguanting in no mo official assemble in one place Chourenguangzuo thick wide man sitting personal enemy meet, especially encouraging people to tears...


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