

知夫莫如妻对应英文:Chibu is the wife

最了解丈夫的,没有人能比的过妻子 意思是说妻子最了解丈夫对应英文:The best understanding of husband wife, did not mean people than is the understanding husband wife

最了解这娘们儿的莫过于她汉们儿~~~对应英文:The understanding of the woman than she and Han children

意思是 知道老婆的非丈夫莫属对应英文:It is known that non husband wife

同"的意思程度较"若"就更深一点,就像汉语中的"很"和"非常"一样。现在经常用到的"知我者,莫……也"与原来的大致一样,而楼主后面所说的我觉得两句话意思都应该是一样的,...对应英文:What degree of "is" if "is a little deeper, just like in Chinese" is "and" very ". Now often used "who knows me, mo...... "And the original is roughly the same, but the landlord said I think back words meaning should be the same,...

知子莫如父 春秋时,越国宰相范蠡的二儿子在楚国杀子人,被楚国判了死刑,决定秋后处决,范蠡闻讯,急忙准备了千两黄金和一封书信,叫小儿子到楚国请他的结拜兄长--楚国宰相...对应英文:To know the father and son, two of his prime minister Fan Li in Chu killed people, Chu was sentenced to death, decided late autumn executed, Fan Li hears the news, quickly prepared for a thousand taels of gold and a letter, called the little son to please his sworn brother Chu Chu - prime minister...

知女莫如母 知母莫如女最了解,最懂女儿的就是自己的母亲 同时最了解,最懂母亲的也是自己的女儿对应英文:Woman is mother of Anemarrhena is female know best, most understand her daughter's own mother at the same time, the understanding, the mother and her daughter

养心莫如寡欲,得到得愈多就容易担心失去,得到的越少,越能看清自己的本意,要看清一个东西一个事物的原貌,除了要将此物远离,还要将它周围的东西清空隔离开来,这样你的内...对应英文:The heart is the stoic, get more easy to lose, the less, the more can see yourself, see a thing a thing of the original, in addition to will it away, but will things clear isolation around it apart, so that your inner...

出自匪我思存的小说《冷月如霜》。大致就是期待良人的意思。对应英文:From the bandit I think the novel "coldest month Rushuang". Roughly is looking man.

"子贡曰"何为其莫知子也"子曰"不怨天,不尤()人。下学而上达(),知我者其天乎!" 【注释】 ()尤责怪、怨恨。 ()下学上达下学学人事,上达达天命。 【译文】 孔子说...对应英文:"Said" what is the Mo Zhizi also "Confucius" not here, not you (people). But for (school), who knows me heaven! "[notes] () you blame, hate. (Zi) under study on personnel, dada destiny. [translation] Confucius said...

所以他知道大儿子一定办不成这件事。 事后,人们常说"真是知子莫如父啊!" ~~~~~~~可以引申为父母和儿女之间的关系比如父母了解儿女的性格爱好理想。。。...对应英文:So he knows the son must not do this thing. Later, people often say that "it is to know the father ah!", can be extended to the love ideal relationship between parents and children as parents to understand children's character... ...


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