

一百八十度对应英文:One hundred and eighty degrees
  一百八十度   拼音:    解释: 1.数学用语,原指平角。常用以形容转变幅度很大,以至前后相反。  




后面的你态度一百八十度大转弯, 原来那才是真正的你, 一个热情, 健谈以及乐于助人的人.对应英文:The back of your attitude one hundred and eighty degree turn, that is the real you, a passionate, talkative and ready to help others

但是现在一些知名环保活动者的态度来了一个一百八十度转弯,说他们错了。对应英文:But now some leading environmental activist approach to a one hundred and eighty degree turn, said they were wrong.

争吵可能会马上平息,你的情绪会改变,你的行为跟眼下将会有一百八十度的大转变。对应英文:The fighting will likely cease immediately, your mood will change, your behavior with now will have a one hundred and eighty degree turn.

但是现在一些知名环保活动者的态度来了一个一百八十度转弯,说他们错了。对应英文:But now some leading environmental activist approach to a one hundred and eighty degree turn, said they were wrong.

后面的你态度一百八十度大转弯, 原来那才是真正的你, 一个热情, 健谈以及乐于助人的人.对应英文:The back of your attitude one hundred and eighty degree turn, that is the real you, a passionate, talkative and ready to help others

争吵可能会马上平息,你的情绪会改变,你的行为跟眼下将会有一百八十度的大转变。对应英文:The fighting will likely cease immediately, your mood will change, your behavior with now will have a one hundred and eighty degree turn.

他说美国传教士很腐败,离开传教团后,他的职业来了一个一百八十度的转弯。对应英文:He said USA missionaries are corrupt, leave the mission, his occupation to a one hundred and eighty degree turn.

在过去的许多年中,房价上涨被当成洪水猛兽,但他现在来了个一百八十度大转弯,又把房价下跌当成了大魔头。对应英文:In the past many years, house prices are as great scourges, but he now made a one hundred and eighty degree turn, and prices fell as the devil.

微软的态度与此前相比来了个一百八十度的大转弯:该公司早些时候决定移除流览器上类似的隐私保护功能,这个决定曾是去年《华尔街日报》一篇文章的主题。对应英文:Microsoft attitude to a one hundred and eighty degree turn compared with the previously: the company decided earlier privacy features similar to remove the browser, this decision was the last year the "Wall Street journal" of a text.

在成功侮辱了世界上所有最好的外交官之后,卡扎菲突然来了一个一百八十度转弯,对似乎得到他尊重的那个男人大献殷勤。对应英文:After the success of an insult to the world's top diplomats, Al-qaddafi suddenly come to a one hundred and eighty degree turn, seems to be the man he respects the gallant.

汽门立刻被关掉了,林肯号从左舷转了一百八十度。对应英文:Valve immediately shut off from the port side, Lincoln turned one hundred and eighty degrees.

李赤回忆道,那和学校所教导的真是一百八十度转弯,学校没有说那里的悲惨生活。对应英文:Li Chi recalls, taught that and the school is really turn one hundred and eighty degrees, the school did not say where the tragic life.

因此,创造社后来走向革命文学并非一百八十度的大转弯,而是有着内在的根据。对应英文:Therefore, the Creation Agency later to revolutionary literature is not a one hundred and eighty degree turn, but there are internal basis.

这个灯是用塑料做出来的,我用的这种塑料具有非常好的可塑性,热到一百八十度就可以弯成各种形状。对应英文:The lamp is made of plastic, the plastic I with plasticity is very good, heat to one hundred and eighty degrees can be bent into various shapes.


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