

风光在险峰对应英文:In the awesome scenery

峰就是山顶.无限风光在险峰的意思和"会当凌绝顶,一览众山小''一样.异曲同工的还有欲穷千里目,更上一层楼. 当然关于毛的这首诗还有个民间版...对应英文:Peak is the peak of the mountain. Unlimited scenery in the Xian Feng "and" would be extremely Ling, list of small hills'. Different approaches but equally satisfactory results are for a grander sight, strive for further improvement. Of course this poem about Mao is a folk version...

翻译成英语 中文意思是说任何好的结果都不是轻而易举能够得到的对应英文:Translated into English Chinese mean any good results will not be an easy job to get the

毛主席的诗句 七绝《为李进同志题所摄庐山仙人洞照》 一九六一年九月九日 暮色苍茫看劲松, 乱云飞渡仍从容。 天生一个仙人洞, 无限风光在险峰。对应英文:Chairman Mao's poems quatrains "for the problem of Comrade Li Jin captured Mount Lu fairy cave as" spreading shades of dusk in September 9, 1961 at Jinsong, chaos cloud Feidu still calmly. Nature has excelled herself in the fairy cave, on perilous peaks dwells beauty in her infinite variety.

至清朝,佛手岩成道家的洞天福地,改称仙人洞。毛泽东同志的著名诗句"天生一个仙人洞,无限风光在险峰。"使仙人洞景点名扬四海。是来庐山的客人必游并留影之处。 仙人洞...对应英文:To the Qing Dynasty, bergamot rock into the Taoist blessed spot, renamed the fairy cave. Comrade Mao Zedong's famous poem "born of a fairy cave, unlimited scenery in the Xian feng. "The fairy cave attractions well-known in the world. Come to Mount Lu guests will travel and pictures. Fairy Cave.

七绝《为李进同志题所摄庐山仙人洞照》 一九六一年九月九日 暮色苍茫看劲松, 乱云飞渡仍从容。 天生一个仙人洞, 无限风光在险峰。对应英文:"Just for the problem of Comrade Li Jin captured Mount Lu fairy cave as" spreading shades of dusk in September 9, 1961 at Jinsong, chaos cloud Feidu still calmly. Nature has excelled herself in the fairy cave, on perilous peaks dwells beauty in her infinite variety.

"无限风光在险峰"的意境,是抒发面对乱云飞渡的丛山,那更加高峻的险峰上有无限美好风光的感慨。蕴含的哲理,在于道出了从事任何事业,要想获得成功,观赏与享受无限风光...对应英文:"Unlimited scenery in the Xian Feng" artistic conception, is expressed in the face of chaos cloud Feidu mountains, have beautiful scenery with the more high and steep Xianfeng. Philosophy, is that any career, to succeed, to watch and enjoy the scenery unlimited...

会当凌绝顶,一览众山小 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼.对应英文:When shall I reach the top and hold all mountains in a single glance? But you widen your view three hundred miles strive for further improvement.

远近高低各不同。天生一个仙人洞,无限风光在险峰"。这首毛主席为江青所作的诗对应英文:Level of the different distance. Nature has excelled herself in the fairy cave, on perilous peaks dwells beauty in her infinite variety. This piece of Chairman Mao to Jiang Qing's Poetry

天生一个仙人洞, 无限风光在险峰。 松树在暮色苍茫中傲然挺立在山崖上,一阵阵乱云从容地飞过。天设地造好一个仙人洞,正是在这险峻的山峰上才能领到无限美好的...对应英文:Nature has excelled herself in the fairy cave, on perilous peaks dwells beauty in her infinite variety. Spreading shades of dusk in pine in stand proudly in the cliff, a burst of clouds leisurely fly. Day built a fairy cave, it is in this precipitous peaks can get infinitely better...

意味着美好的事物总是在顶峰才能拿到,告诉人满要勇于攀登,不畏艰险,阳光总在风雨后。对应英文:Mean good things at the top to get full, tell people to climb, the bull by the horns, in the sunshine after the rain.


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