

十八无丑女对应英文:Eighteen no ugly

我是北京演艺圈的,我就知道岁女孩在圈内正是抢手货,青春无丑女,不论你长什么样,身材如何,只要你愿意来,那肯定是非常受欢迎的。不需要任何基础和文化知识水平,不计较...对应英文:I am the Beijing showbiz, I knew old girl in the circle is popular, youth no ugly, how no matter what, you figure, as long as you are willing to, it is very popular. Do not need any foundation and cultural knowledge level, do not care about...

傻瓜,我要告诉你,女孩无丑女,记住啊!!每天要开心,听你的话语好像你的学习成绩还是不错了!那你就加油好好学习,高中是个重要阶段不要因为一些事情影响你的心情,现在的...对应英文:Fool, I want to tell you, no ugly girls, remember ah!! be happy every day, listen to your words as if your grades are good! You're filling Study hard, high school is an important stage, not because of some things affect your mood, now...

没有接触社会之前应该都会比较单纯。至于漂亮,个人认为无丑女,但岁是一个女孩儿一生中最漂亮的一年(不论衣着,单论外貌)对应英文:No prior contact should be relatively simple social. As for beautiful, personally think that no ugly, but is one of the most beautiful girl in the life of a year (regardless of clothing, single on the appearance)

,.我不同意无丑女这句话,我已经被公认为丑女了。我想用妮维雅的控油洗面乳至于补水霜就想对比一下妮维雅凝水活采密集保湿精华和丹姿水密码补水霜。你有没有用...对应英文:No ugly. I do not agree, this sentence, I have been recognized as the ugly. I want to use Nivea oil control cleanser for moisturizing cream to compare Nivea condensate live mining intensive moisturizing essence and DANZ password moisturizing cream. You have no use...

不管怎么样的人都是让人喜欢的。有句话没错,无丑女。 一个自信的微笑可以杀死很多人的眼光。 踹开他,寻找真正喜欢你的人。你今天的感觉是很不爽,还自我安慰他不过...对应英文:No matter what people are people like. There is a saying yes, no ugly. A confident smile can kill a lot of people's eyes. Kick him, looking for really the one who likes you. Today you feel very uncomfortable, but also comfort him...

无丑女,青春就是你最好的装点了,不好穿那些太松或太紧的衣服就行了。对应英文:No ugly, it is your best to decorate, not good to wear those too loose or too tight clothes on the line.

她在广阔天地里磨去了最美好的年华。人说,十七十八无丑女,可她已经岁了。如果再年轻岁,哪怕岁呢,她也要争取一下。她并不笨可现在,都晚了,就像去看这场电影,不防门...对应英文:She lost the best time in the vast world. People say, seventeen eighteen not ugly, but she was years old. If the young again, even years, she also want to try. She is not stupid now, all night, like to see a movie, do not prevent the door...

很多人都说十八无丑女嘛! 但是到了岁之后,因为肌肤胶原蛋白的流失,不知不觉中皮肤开始慢慢衰老,你会不会觉得自己的皮肤大不如从前了,对不特别是眼周更要好好护理,...对应英文:Many people say that eighteen no ugly! But in the years after, because skin collagen loss in aging skin, imperceptibly slowly, you will find your skin than before, not particularly eye Gengyao good nursing,...

当然漂亮。十八无丑女哦对应英文:Of course, beautiful. Eighteen no ugly Oh

但--你这三个问题都无意义你见过真正的丑女么没听说一句话么没有丑女人,只有懒女人! 注意皮肤的保养,多学习让自己充实起来,才是吸引男人的地方。至少我的朋友们大...对应英文:But you these three problems are meaningless, you see the real ugly you haven't heard a word you no ugly woman, only lazy woman! Pay attention to skin care, learn to enrich themselves, to attract men. At least my friends...


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