

图名不图利对应英文:Name not for profit

孙悟空一路炼魔降怪,图名不图利。猪八戒一路所作所为,图利不图名。纵然是圣僧唐三藏,其所以矢志西行,亦"大抵是受王恩宠,不得不尽忠以报国耳。既不为名,又不为利,心无...对应英文:Sun Wukong Lu fiends down strange, plans were not for profit. Pig eight quit a way the doings, money does not seek fame. Even the monk Tang, so its commitment to westbound, also "is probably influenced by Wang Enchong, had to do with the country of ear. Neither for fame, not for profit, with no...

在日常生活中班组成员发生纠纷时,班组长要处于公心,主持公道,要以理服人。作为班组长要不图名不图利,不计较个人得失,敢于说公道话,只有这样才能树立起威信,才能刹歪风...对应英文:In the daily life of team members to dispute, the team leader should in fairness, justice, to persuade through reasoning. As the team leader or, not for profit, not care about personal gains and losses, dare to say what is just, only in this way can we establish authority, it can...

告诉你我们用什么软件录游戏 你都每分 采纳我的吧 图名不图利 我们用这个 因为是无损输出 但是你们可能会说他录得东西大 难免 几分钟就几个 优点无损 缺点 体...对应英文:Tell you what we use software recorded the game you every minute to adopt me, not for profit we use this because it is nondestructive output but you may say he recorded things inevitably a few minutes several advantages of nondestructive defect body...

唐长老 图名不图利对应英文:Tang Changlao, not for profit

目前新人福利做的比较好的有天下书盟(但有作者反映说好的福利不履行)和,不过点击率与晋江起点比可以说...图名不图利,好吧,注册几个账号,直接把自己文章砸上首页也未尝...对应英文:At present, the new welfare do good World Book (but the author reflects good welfare does not perform) and click through rate, but with the Jinjiang starting point than can be said that..., not for profit, all right, to register several accounts, directly to their articles on the home page also...

啊,编辑那么多文,当然优先排赚钱多的……哈哈要是你是个写文水平差不多的煤老板,图名不图利,好吧,注册几个账号,直接把自己文章砸上首页也未尝不可啊! 晋江更新吧!...对应英文:Ah, the editor so many, of course first row make more money...... Haha if you are writing about level of coal boss, plans were not for profit, all right, to register several accounts, directly to their article hit on the home page also OK! Jinjiang update!...

一个人,为人来世一趟,不容易 不图名,不图利,自欺欺人。 但图名,应图个好名 不要为了图名,伤天害理 图利,应图己利 不要为了图利,祸国殃民。 留英名者,韬略雄伟,...对应英文:A person, as in a, not one, not for profit, deceive oneself and others. But the title, should be a good not to seek fame, do things offensive to God and reason for profit, the drawing should be oneself not for profit, disastrous. Leave fame, creating magnificent,...

我鬼算子一生,不图名,也不图利,只要兄弟们懂我! 算起来图名图利倒还简单,真做兄弟要兄弟们懂,很难啊 还是鬼算子的那句话人心隔肚皮对应英文:I am GHOST operator life, does not seek fame, not for profit, as long as the brothers know me! It seek fame and wealth was simple, really do brother brothers know, very difficult or that sentence ghost operator heart septum belly

不要为了图名,伤天害理.古今中外有很多不图名不图利的人流芳百世,但也有不少自私专横而遗臭万年. 所以为大多数人的利益而奋斗的人,人民会永远铭记,为了满足少数人的利...对应英文:In order not to seek fame, do things offensive to God and reason. At all times and in all countries have a lot of no plans were not for profit people live, but there are also many selfish bossy and leave a stink for ten thousand years. So the fight for the interests of the majority of people, people will always remember, in order to meet the needs of minority interest...


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