

理多不饶人对应英文:More unforgiving

我个人以为对待敌人理直时就需要气壮对待一般生活中的小纠纷,理直时气和才更好些!对应英文:I personally think the enemy when they need me to straighten the general life in the small disputes, straightening air and better!

彭德怀度量宽宏 红军三军团总指挥彭德怀等多人前沿察看地形,传令兵手执红 旗边跑边喊让路。只有一个战士坐着不动。彭德怀见人挡路便喊了几句。战士站起来朝彭总...对应英文:Peng Dehuai big heart the three army commander Peng Dehuai and so many people frontier survey the terrain, the soldier's hand redness lasting running and shouting. Only a warrior sitting motionless. Peng Dehuai see in the way he shouted a few words. The soldiers stood up and peng...

这肯定是你的错 女人最介意的东西 劈腿 说谎 外出不通知 我就是一个例子哈哈 我最讨厌我男朋友出去不交代一声 女人就是没有安全感的,其实你应该理解 哄哄就没事了...对应英文:This must be your fault woman's mind stuff split lie out without telling me is an example: I hate my boyfriend not accounted for a woman is no sense of security, in fact you should understand coax...

适当的时候给别人台阶下咯,不要显得咄咄逼人。对应英文:The appropriate time for others to step down slightly, don't be overbearing.

该原谅别人的时候,我们就应该原谅别人,不能盛气凌人,仗着自己有理,就对别人咄咄相逼对应英文:Forgive others, we should forgive others, not lord it over others, because of their rational, to the other people off

得理不饶人在人际交往中,得理不饶人是很普遍的。有些人一旦觉得自己有道理,就会揪住别人的缺点,穷追猛打,非逼对方竖起白旗不可。 理不饶人也要具备以下情形 一是心...对应英文:Have no mercy in interpersonal communication, Daniel does not forgive people is very common. Once some people feel justified, would have held to the faults of others, pushy, non forcing other raised the white flag cannot be. No mercy will have the following situations is the heart...

饶人算知本,得了理但饶了别人算是知道做人的根本,即谦让输人算知机,争斗中输给了别人算是明白未来的结果。知机,同" 知几 "。指有预见,能看出事物发生变化的隐微征兆...对应英文:Rao is a knowledge, a science but spare others know what a man is all that is known of humility, input machine, battle lost to others is to understand that the future results. Knowledge, with "a few". A preview, can see the esoteric things change sign...

得饶人处且饶人能饶过别人的地方就饶过别人,不要得理不让人。对应英文:Be lenient wherever it is possible to forgive others forgive others, do not have reason to not let a person.

女子不依不饶的硬要老人赔她元钱。老人手里捏着元钱的毛票,含着泪水不停的恳求"我确实没有那么多钱啊...你是不是觉得那个女子得理不饶人,做得太过分了呢 ...对应英文:The woman he's really not letting this go on her old compensate yuan. The old man holding yuan banknotes, tears kept pleading "I really didn't have so much money... You Is it right? Think that woman right does not forgive people, doing too much...

得饶人处且饶人. "得理让人"说的是不要"过犹不及".有理说理,把道理说清就行了.不要揪着不放,不要不顾人家的颜面硬要把人家往死角里逼,那同样是不对...对应英文:Be lenient wherever it is possible. "To make people" is not "too far". Rational reasoning, the truth clearly on the line. Don't grabbing hold, don't disregard of others tried to take people to face the corner force, it is also wrong...


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