

烂泥扶不上墙对应英文:The mud helps not on the wall
子曰:“朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可污也。” 译文: 孔子说, 腐烂的木头不能雕刻 粪土一样的墙壁不能粉刷。
传说孔门弟子三千,学成六艺毕业拿到文凭的有七十七人(有名有姓),如比较知名的有子路、子贡、子渊、冉求、子若、子骞、子禽、子张、子长、子思、子容、仲弓等。当然,孔子也有糟糕的学生,如宰予(子我,这个名字听起来就不佳)。宰予能言善辩,刚开始倒很得孔子欢心,只是其人表面一套,背后一套,有一次孔子发现宰予白天睡大觉(宰予昼寝),孔子很生气,说:“朽木不可雕也,烂泥扶不上墙” !这个典故说的就是宰予。后来果然得到验证,宰予后来做了临淄大夫,和田常一起作乱,结果被夷其族,孔子羞于提及此人是自己弟子。  




"一滩烂泥扶不上墙"的意思是形容一个人已经到了无可救药、不可挽回的地步了。对应英文:"Mud does not hold the wall" means a person has to past hope, is irreversible.

计这个东西是要灵感的,他没灵感也没办法,我觉得还是让他自己处理吧!相信他就好了!而且你不要给他太多的工作量和压力,这些都是你找来的,让他觉得很没能力,你压的他透不...对应英文:Meter this thing is to inspiration inspiration, he didn't also have no way, I feel or let him work! Believe him! And you don't give him too much workload and pressure, these are all that you're looking for, let him feel no pressure, you he doesn't...

就是说不是内块料在怎么扶持你也没有用的意思 这话开玩笑说还可以昂别认真说会伤自尊的感觉对应英文:That is not within the block in how to support you are of no use. It can also make fun of said ang don't seriously hurt the feelings of self-esteem

背后一套,有一次孔子发现宰予白天睡大觉(宰予昼寝),孔子很生气,说"朽木不可雕也,烂泥扶不上墙" !这个典故说的就是宰予。后来果然得到验证,宰予后来做了临淄大夫,和田...对应英文:Behind a set, once Confucius found them and sleep in the day (Zai Yu slept during the day), Confucius very angry, say "Fools grow without watering. also, mud does not hold the wall"! This story say is kill. It was verified, Zai Yu later made a doctor in Linzi, and tian...

告诉自己 你要做什么 你想做什么 你要怎么去做 要有个好的目标 好的计划 别说计划赶不上变化 先制定计划 以后一步步慢慢实施 并根据现实适当调整 万幢高楼平地起 基础...对应英文:Tell yourself what you want to do what do you want to do what you want to do to catch up with change plans don't plan a good target for good after the first plan step by step implementation according to the reality slowly adjust million building ground foundation...

好的,有的专业确实好,比如,物流之类的,但到实际要找工作的时候就会发现很难找。所以不要去考虑什么是好专业,而在于你兴趣在哪,或者说你以后的发展方向是什么。因此...对应英文:Well, some of the professional is better, for example, logistics and so on, when looking for work, but to the actual found it hard to find. So don't go to consider what is a good professional, but in your interest in what, or what is your future development direction. Therefore...

烂泥扶不上墙,又作"烂泥糊不上墙"。 烂泥,稀泥。泥太稀了,抹到墙上糊不住。 比喻由于能力差或水平低,成不了气候,或见不得世面。对应英文:The mud does not hold the wall, and "mud and not on the wall". Mud, mud. The mud is too thin, to wipe the walls do not live. Due to poor or low level of metaphor, cannot become climate, or can not see the world.

成不了气候,或见不得世面。   同义词朽木不可雕 扶不起的阿斗对应英文:Cannot become climate, or can not see the world. Synonyms Fools grow without watering. feckless A Dou

朽木凿不成器对应英文:Good-for-nothing wood chisel

我是正确的对应英文:I was right


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