

得理不得势对应英文:Daniel disfavored

身体各部位的要求》一文中谈到腰胯时说"太极拳理曰'不得机不得势时,腰腿求之'。我认为这里少了一个字, 应...松胯有利于调整身法、步法、得机得势使下肢运行变得轻灵。"...对应英文:The various parts of the body require "one article about hip said" Tai Chi said 'no machine is not in time, and for the'. I think this a few word, should... Loose hip to adjust the body, footwork, machine in lower extremity operation became spirit. "...

不理会宽容的价值,心胸狭隘,睚眦必报,言语刻薄,生性嫉妨,得理不饶人,得势不容人,就会如摸黑夜行,处处碰壁,时时摔跤,陷入无穷的烦恼。宽容是事业之基。西汉末年,刘秀大...对应英文:Ignore the value of tolerance, narrow-minded, seek revenge for the smallest grievance, the words mean, a jealous, right does not forgive people, in no one, would like the dark night, run everywhere, always wrestling, fall into the endless troubles. Tolerance is the radical cause. The Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiuda...

不以物喜,不以己悲。这句话如此简单却又如此难。毕竟我们是人,总是需要情感的反馈。在付出之时总希望得到别人的同等对待。只是很多时候,朋友不过是一些过客,他们的到...对应英文:Hi, you. This sentence is so simple yet so difficult. After all, we are human, feedback always need emotional. In the pay of always hope to get equal treatment of others. But most of the time, friends are just a few of the traveler, they to...

亲贤臣远小人,才能广纳郭攸之、向宠等人的良言,才能"昭平民之理",不让奸邪得势,造成内外异法,赏罚不明。君主昏庸,主要就在于贪于私欲,蔽于视听,昧于事理,因而忠奸不分...对应英文:Dear minister far villain, to recruit Guo Youzhi, to the pet's words, to "Zhao civilian science", don't let people in, resulting in internal and external difference method, reward and punishment unknown. Emperors, mainly lies in the corruption in the lusts, shield in the audio-visual, lack common sense, and therefore not loyal...

亲贤臣远小人,才能广纳郭攸之、向宠等人的良言,才能"昭平明之理",不让奸邪得势,造成内外异法,赏罚不明。君主昏庸,主要就在蔽于视听,昧于事理,因而忠奸不分,贤愚不辨,...对应英文:Dear minister far villain, to recruit Guo Youzhi, to the pet's words, to "Zhao dawn", don't let people in, resulting in internal and external difference method, reward and punishment unknown. Emperors, mainly on the shield in the audio-visual, lack common sense, so loyalty is not divided, there do not know,...

不理会宽容的价值,心胸狭隘,睚眦必报,言语刻薄,生性嫉妨,得理不饶人,得势不容人,就会如摸黑夜行,处处碰壁,时时摔跤,陷入无穷的烦恼。 宽容是事业之基。西汉末年,刘秀...对应英文:Ignore the value of tolerance, narrow-minded, seek revenge for the smallest grievance, the words mean, a jealous, right does not forgive people, in no one, would like the dark night, run everywhere, always wrestling, fall into the endless troubles. Tolerance is the radical cause. The Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu...

不理会宽容的价值,心胸狭隘,睚眦必报,言语刻薄,生性嫉妨,得理不饶人,得势不容人,就会如摸黑夜行,处处碰壁,时时摔跤,陷入无穷的烦恼。  宽容是事业之基。西汉末年,...对应英文:Ignore the value of tolerance, narrow-minded, seek revenge for the smallest grievance, the words mean, a jealous, right does not forgive people, in no one, would like the dark night, run everywhere, always wrestling, fall into the endless troubles. Tolerance is the radical cause. The Western Han dynasty,...

重心的移动是必须的,不然就是一个死桩,没有变化的桩功就是一个挨打的桩,太极拳理中强调,不得己不得势,腰腿求之。当对方企图通过改变你的重心来制约你的时候,通过腰腿...对应英文:Gravity is a must, otherwise is a dead pile, no change of stance is a battered pile, Taijiquan emphasizes, have not got the upper hand, leg for. When the other party to control by changing your center of gravity you, through the waist and leg...

同学们,此情此景,你作何感受你是不是觉得那个女子得理不饶人,做得太过分了呢 "得饶人处...如果这时你处在得理、得势的一方,请记住"得饶人处且饶人"...对应英文:The classmates, this scene, what do you feel you Is it right? Think that woman right does not forgive people, doing too much. "Live... If you are reasonable, in a party, please remember" be lenient wherever it is possible"...

大家一看,原来是奥楚蔑洛夫,这家伙趋炎附势,谁得势就讲谁的理,人们背地里给他起了个绰号"变色龙"。  奥...  "什么,那你是孔老先生,怪不得有些面熟,我与你一见面就知...对应英文:You look, the original is the Austrian Chu, Ralph, this guy who fawn upon the rich and powerful persons, they tell the people who, secretly gave him the nickname "the chameleon". Oh... "What, that you are Mr. Kong, no wonder some familiar, you and I should know...


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