

头三脚难踢对应英文:The first three difficult to play

俗话说在外闯荡要看头三脚踢的怎么样,我在北京的头三脚,踢了三年,应该说是对我的影响很大的三年。在这三... 工作踢头三脚,我自己认识应该说你在工作时,对工作的态度、...对应英文:As the saying goes, at home how to see three played, I head in Beijing tripod, played for three years, can be said to be a great effect on me three years. In this three... Work play head tripod, I know I should say you at work, attitude towards work,...

是的,我上次在他们拿买东西,他们标签没及时换,但电脑付费时价格已改变,我找了他们管理员,态度挺好给予解决了。大超市就应该这样,没有顾客支持,它们何以立足家乐福多...对应英文:Yes, the last time I was in them to buy things, they label didn't change, but the computer pay price has changed, I find them administrator, attitude is good to solve the. Large supermarket should be like this, no customer support, which is based on more than carrefour...

很正常的,踢球的人经常事。如果严重就去医院查下,不严重就擦点药就 行了。对应英文:Very normal, people often play. If they go to the hospital to check, not serious, rub it.

多表现为局部疼痛、肿胀 、局部热敷、理疗。 、伤处抬高 、如发烧口服抗生素 、疼痛严重者可给予镇痛药 意见建议对应英文:More performance for the local pain, swelling, local hot compress, physical therapy. Have a fever, sores elevation, such as oral antibiotics, ache is serious person can give analgesic suggestion

只有等了,或者去医院让医生给你把脓水放出来,否则的话肿的地方会越来越疼,还会慢慢的向其它的地方扩大,去医院手术后再包扎下就行了,夏天天气热,易感染,注意按时换绑带...对应英文:But wait, or go to the hospital to allow doctors to give you the pus out, otherwise the swollen areas will become more and more pain, but also gradually expanded to other places, go to the hospital operation after the bandage on the line, hot summer weather, easy infection, pay attention to the change...

第一要防止继发感染,第二可抬高患肢,局部早期冷敷,后期热敷,可结合应用活血消肿药物,第三制动,少活动.但任何方法不是一朝一晚可收效的,要有过程.对应英文:The first to prevent secondary infection, second can lift the affected limb, early local cold compress, hot compress can be combined with the application of late, Huoxue swelling agents, third brake, less activity. But any method not once a night may have, to a process

买红花油擦一擦。 如果不放心的话最去看医生。对应英文:Buy safflower oil wipe. If you do not mind the most go to see the doctor.

要拔掉指甲 那样很痛 而且价钱还高很多 你自己先用酒精或双氧水消毒清洁 用一根三棱针把受伤的指甲扎破 把里面的淤血全部放出来(要放干净 不然留在里面的淤血会引起化...对应英文:To remove the nail that hurts and the price is much higher you use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide disinfecting cleaning with a three edged needle of the injured nail punctured the congestion inside all out (put clean or stay inside the congestion will cause...

额!楼主,我得佩服你一下,当初我脚被砸了也没你这样,呵呵大概要一个多星期左右吧。这个没关系的,只有等时间啦对应英文:The amount of the landlord, I admire you! Look, my foot was no you, I probably more than one week. This never mind, only time

去医院,复查个片子 看骨骼愈合情况,应该没什么大的问题的,因为从你说的情况来看对应英文:Go to the hospital, review a movie watching bone healing, should do not have what big problem, because judging from what you say


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