

骂人不揭短对应英文:Curse not good

把潜在的对手转化为自己的朋友,这才是最好的办法。打人不打脸,骂人不揭短。言论自由的现代社会,人们一样也有忌讳心理,有自己与人交往所不能提及的"禁区"。我们常说的...对应英文:The potential competitors into their own friends, this is the best way. "Never, swear not good. In modern society, freedom of speech, the people are also taboo psychology, have their own communication with others not mentioned "forbidden area". We often say...

骂人不揭短。 脸是外在的短是内在的,外在的脸打坏了无法见人,内在的短揭出来的后果会更严重,所以说打人骂人千万不要做的太狠。对应英文:Curse not good. The face is the external short is intrinsic, extrinsic face broke to others, inside short exposing out of the consequences will be more serious, so hit or swear never to do hard.


揭人不揭短。 这句话充分表达人们尤其是中国人,最看重的就是面子,而打脸和揭人短处都是最伤人面子的事情。 老师打学生肯定不对,你可以找父母帮助解决。但是这句话用在...对应英文:People do not Heduan open. This fully express the people especially Chinese, value the most is the face, and the face and exposed weaknesses are most hurt face thing. The teacher student is certainly wrong, you can ask your parents to help solve. But this word is used in...

"打人不打脸,骂人不揭短" 是指做什么事情多少给人留点余地 不要太过分了 ,人活着都有自尊,打人脸就等于侮辱了他的人格。人活脸,树活皮嘛。对应英文:"People never, swear not good" refers to what and how much to leave room not too much, people live have self-respect, hit the face to insult his personality. People live face, living skin.

"打人不打脸,骂人不揭短" 是指做什么事情多少给人留点余地 不要太过分了 ,人活着都有自尊,打人脸就等于侮辱了他的人格。人活脸,树活皮嘛。 后果一般是会引起对方的激烈...对应英文:"People never, swear not good" refers to what and how much to leave room not too much, people live have self-respect, hit the face to insult his personality. People live face, living skin. The outcome is the cause of their fierce...

正所谓,什么都不怕,就怕流氓有文化。 、第三点有点损了,俗话说打人不打脸,骂人不揭短。你正是要揭对方的短,当然注意要适当,否则激怒对方不是好玩的。要出此招,必须要...对应英文:So, what all not afraid, fear rogue culture. Third points, a loss, as the saying goes "no faces, swear not good. You are going to expose each other's short, of course, pay attention to proper, or provoke the other side is not fun. To this move, must...

一种就是骂 气势上压倒对方 这东北人很擅长 所谓打人不打脸 骂人不揭短 不管是哪种 说道别人的软肋 最能击垮对方的心理防线 这是角度 但是要想骂人一口气 滔滔不绝 那...对应英文:One is called overwhelm the Northeast momentum is good at the so-called "never curse not good either said others weakness can beat each other's psychological defense line is this angle but to swear off the reel it in one breath...

骂人不揭短。找他的弱点,糗事。大肆宣扬··················你懂得对应英文:Curse not good. Find his weakness, embarrassment. Allan Ni know how to

"打人不打脸,骂人不揭短"。人活着都有自尊,打人脸就等于侮辱了他的人格 人活脸,树活皮嘛。对应英文:"Never," swear not good". People alive have self-respect, hit the face to insult his personality people live face, living skin.


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