

扶了油瓶倒了醋对应英文:Hold the bottle of vinegar

瓜,有清香味道的水果,别用空气清新剂,香水,什么的,那是化学东西,有毒的,鲜花也不行,忘了 是 为什么,书里看的呵呵忘了对应英文:Melon, delicate taste of the fruit, do not use air fresheners, perfume, what, that is chemical, toxic, flowers are not, forget why the book, see Oh forget

应该不能。你可以用活性炭去除呀,商店有卖的,把房间通风对应英文:Should not. You can be removed by activated carbon, the store has sold, the room ventilation

烹调时,放酱油若错倒了食醋,可撒放少许小苏打,醋味即可消除对应英文:When cooking, put soy sauce if wrong pour vinegar, can release a little baking soda, vinegar can eliminate

甲装了(-/)/千克乙装了(-/)/千克所以乙大对应英文:A loaded (/) / kg B installed (/) / kg so B big

放酱油若错倒了食醋,可撒放少许小苏打,醋味即可消除。如果菜太酸,也可以将一只松花蛋捣烂放入。如果菜太辣,放一只鸡蛋同炒或者放些醋可降低辣味。对应英文:Put soy sauce if wrong pour vinegar, can release a little baking soda, vinegar can eliminate. If the food is too acid, can also be a preserved eggs smashed into the. If the food is too hot, put an egg to fry or put some vinegar can reduce the spicy.

不停的晃动,弟弟看我一直晃动感觉很烦,竟然拿出了醋,将一整瓶给倒了进去,我感觉阴部非常的难受,不停的叫。弟弟又拿了一瓶汽水,把屁眼上的塞子拿出来,然后直接把汽水口...对应英文:Don't stop shaking, brother to see I have been shaking feel very vexed, took out a bottle of vinegar, will pour into it, I feel the pudendal very uncomfortable, don't stop calling. My brother took a bottle of soda, take out your ass on the plug, and then directly to the water outlet...

下不了手 倒背手放风筝 扯远了 倒背手看鸡窝 不简单(捡蛋) 倒了油瓶不扶 袖手旁观懒到家了 倒泻一箩蟹 各人手硬各人扒 得阑尾炎动手术 除恶务尽 灯影子作揖 下毒(...对应英文:Not my hand with one's hands behind one kite pulled away with one's hands behind one see henroost not simple (picking up eggs) down the bottle without supporting stand lazy home pour a basket of crab every man hard each pick appendicitis operation chuewujin lamp shadow (with poison...

秋后的树叶 - 黄了 仙人掌开花 - 黄了 倒坐炕治扇扇子 - 耍风流 倒翻芝麻担 - 难以收场 倒长的山藤 - 根子...实(石)打实(石) 倒了油瓶不扶 - 懒到家了 倒泻一箩蟹 - 各人...对应英文:Autumn leaves and yellow cactus Blossom - yellow sitting down for a fan - Kang airflow reversing sesame bear - to end down long send - root... Real (stone) beat (stone) down the bottle without help - lazy home pour a basket of crab - every man...

穿不上裤子 油多不坏菜,礼多人不怪 油瓶倒了不扶 有鼻子有眼 有病乱投医 有仇报仇,有冤报冤 有仇不报非君...右儿冒 做糖不甜,做醋倒酸 做一天和尚撞一天钟 坐山观虎斗 参...对应英文:Do not wear pants and more oil is not bad food, people do not blame the officiating oil to pour don't help with every detail vividly described the disease luantou Yi grudges against the revenge, tooth for tooth there shall not you... Right son take do not sweet as sugar, vinegar acid as one day at a time to sit a mountain view the tigers fight...

穿不上裤子 油多不坏菜,礼多人不怪 油瓶倒了不扶 有鼻子有眼 有病乱投医 有仇报仇,有冤报冤 有仇不报非君子,有恩不报是小人 有毒的不吃,犯法的不做 有多少水和多少泥...对应英文:Do not wear pants and more oil is not bad food, people do not blame the officiating oil to pour don't help with every detail vividly described the disease luantou Yi grudges against the revenge, tooth for tooth there shall not a gentleman, en not reported a toxic, do not eat, illegal do not how much water and much mud...


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