

秋收万颗子对应英文:Autumn harvest than a child

第一、二句"春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子",以"春种""秋收",概写农民的劳动。从"一粒粟"化为"万颗子",形象地写出丰收的景象。第三句"四海无闲田",更写出全国的土地都已开垦,...对应英文:First, the two sentence "spring a millet, 10000 sub autumn harvest", "spring", "harvest" will write the labor. From the "millet" into the "million children," write the harvest scene image. The third sentence "universal no idle land", writes the land has been reclaimed,...

秋收万颗子。 四海无闲田, 农夫犹饿死。补充词释 .粟谷子,去皮后就小米。这里指粮食作物的种子。 .子谷子。 .海全国之内。 .闲田空闲的、没有利用的土地。 ...对应英文:10000 sub autumn harvest. Universal no idle land, the farmer still starve to death. Supplementary words release. Millet millet, millet after peeling it. Here refers to food crops seeds. The son of millet. The sea within. Idle land idle., without the use of land. ...

很简单。春天到来,让我们在春天播下希望的种子。秋天才会有丰硕的成果。对应英文:It's simple. Spring is coming, let's hope in planting seeds in spring. Autumn will be fruitful.

春天付出了劳动,秋天才有收获,就意味着付出了才有收获对应英文:Spring paid labor, only harvest in autumn, means to pay only harvest

春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。 四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死。 这位作者【李绅】 的最著名作品是他的另一首"悯农" 悯农 年代【唐】 作者【李绅】 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。 谁知...对应英文:Spring a millet, 10000 sub autumn harvest. Universal no idle land, the farmer still starve to death. The most famous work of the author [Lishen] is another of his song "peasants" [in] the Tang peasants [Lishen] ChuHeRiDangWu, sweat wo soil. Who knows...

这句诗句运用的修辞手法是夸张对应英文:This verse using of rhetoric is exaggerated

秋收万颗子。   四海无闲田,   农夫犹饿死。      锄禾日当午,   汗滴禾下土。   谁知盘中餐,   粒粒皆辛苦。对应英文:10000 sub autumn harvest. Universal no idle land, the farmer still starve to death. ChuHeRiDangWu, sweat wo soil. Who knows Chinese food, every grain of hard work.

第一、二句"春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子",以"春种""秋收",概写农民的劳动。从"一粒粟"化为"万颗子",形象地写出丰收的景象。第三句"四海无闲田",更写出全国的土地都已开垦,...对应英文:First, the two sentence "spring a millet, 10000 sub autumn harvest", "spring", "harvest" will write the labor. From the "millet" into the "million children," write the harvest scene image. The third sentence "universal no idle land", writes the land has been reclaimed,...


对偶,夸张都运用了。对应英文:Dual, exaggerated use.


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