

人穷命多苦对应英文:Poor life much bitter

上帝!他们对上帝说,他们都死得很惨,希望让他们上天堂!上帝很无奈地说,现在天堂的住户太多,已经爆满。但现在还有一个名额!你们 说吧,看谁死得最惨,就让谁上天堂! 于是,...对应英文:God! They say to God, they all died badly, want to let them go to heaven! God says very helplessly, now too many households have been full of heaven. But now there is a quota! Let me tell you, look who is dead, who is the heaven! ",...

我向来坚守一个原则跟受灾的、暴毙的、坐牢的……的古今中外的同胞们比比。 别人的关心固然温暖,可那些都是生活的奢侈品,即使没有,也不能怨天尤人。你穷就努力创造,...对应英文:I always adhere to a principle in prison with the victims, dead...... At all times and in all countries of the compatriots. Another concern is warm, but those are the life of luxury, even if not, can not blame everyone and everything but not oneself. You poor efforts to create,...

但从思想内容和艺术水平上来看,比起《长恨歌》等还是有一定差距的,好多人喜欢并能背诵《长恨歌》、《琵琶行》中的句子,但普通诗歌爱好者对《长安古意》很熟悉的却少之...对应英文:But from the ideological content and the artistic level of view, than the "song of Everlasting Sorrow", there are still some gaps, a lot of people like and can recite the "song", "Pipa" of the sentence, but the ordinary poetry lovers are very familiar to the "Changan ancient" little...

身子骨寒酸冰凉,孤苦伶仃之象,这个命算起来是个要饭的,一生靠劳劳碌碌来打发日子,到了中年靠打拱作揖度过余年。对应英文:The body of bone shabby cold, lonely and helpless like, this life together is a beggar, life by toil to pass the day, in the middle by Dagongzuoyi spent years.

可以从字面上看出来第一句意思就是年轻的时候运气不好,事业也不是很通顺。第二句意思是经过了很多坎坷挫折之后,事业依然不是很好。第三句意思是兄弟姐妹依靠不上,不...对应英文:You can literally see the first sentence is young when bad luck, business is not very good. The second sentence meaning after many frustrations, the cause is still not very good. The third sentences are brothers and sisters rely not on, not...

称骨,意思是命运很差对应英文:Called bone, meaning the fate of poor

男命 公元年月日时分出生 一九七三年 八月 五日 卯时 伤 比 日 印八字 癸 庚 庚 己 丑 申 子 卯袁天罡称骨算命此命局为四两八钱初年大志难伸,晚年发展之...对应英文:Male life date around August 5, 1973 BC was born around the injured more than Japan and India eight GUI Geng Geng Shen Zi Mao has ugly Yuan Tiangang called bone fortune telling the life Bureau four two eight money early ambition difficult to stretch, later development...

经过科学的计算,买彩票的中大奖的概率就跟你走完米的路,连续被撞次车的概率一样。 你没有买中实在是正常的。 还是好好上班,努力赚钱来的实在。对应英文:By scientific calculating, lottery prize probability as you walk meters of road, hit probability of continuous train. You didn't buy it is normal. Still work hard, work hard to make money to reality.

在民间一直有这说法,不过什么都靠自己争取了,加油啊对应英文:In the folk have this argument, but what they own, refueling ah

兄弟分离,父母无缘,乏子宜养,女人多情,善多机密,自尊心强,暴发好争。 适业仳学、采访、文艺、新业事业、加工业。忌土类。 凶年十九岁、甘五岁、卅二岁、四十九岁、...对应英文:The separation of brothers, parents missed, spent Zi Yi Yang, women love, good confidentiality, strong self-esteem, outbreaks of good. Fitness industry part, interview, literature and art, new business, processing industry. Avoid soil. Be nineteen years old, sweet five, 32 year old, forty-nine years old,...


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