

鸟为食亡对应英文:Birds die for food
鸟为食亡   拼音:    解释: 鸟儿为了吃食而死。比喻人为了名利而丧失生命。    

人为财死 鸟为食亡  宣 化  人为财死,鸟为食亡。孰对孰错在还没有答复这-问题之前,我要告诉大家,我明天就走了,你们要我讲几句话,我就讲几句教人后悔的话,什么话...对应英文:Money for dead birds of Xuanhua people die for money, birds die for food. What also did not reply to this question is wrong before, I want to tell you, I'll leave tomorrow, do you want me to say a few words, I would speak to teach people regret, what words...

鸟为食亡 宣 化 人为财死,鸟为食亡。孰对孰错在还没有答复这-问题之前,我要告诉大家,我明天就走了,你们要我讲几句话,我就讲几句教人后悔的话,什么话呢很平常的就是...对应英文:Birds die for food Xuanhua people die for money, birds die for food. What also did not reply to this question is wrong before, I want to tell you, I'll leave tomorrow, do you want me to say a few words, I would speak to teach people to regret it, what it is very common that...

不吃也是要死,不如做个饱死鬼!对应英文:Don't eat is dying, as do you damn fool!

鸟的基本需求是食物,没有食物肯定是死,为得到食物去冒险则活下来的机会更大些。所以鸟为食亡是可以理解的。 人的欲望明显强于鸟,所以他用一种更抽象的概念代替了鸟那...对应英文:The basic requirements of bird food, no food is certainly dead, to get food to risk the chance to live more. So the birds die for food is understandable. Human desire was stronger than the birds, so he used a more abstract concept instead of a bird...

所以鸟为食亡是可以理解的。 人的欲望明显强于鸟,所以他用一种更抽象的概念代替了鸟那种原始的需求,就是钱。在宣传上,名和利似乎是贬义...对应英文:So the birds die for food is understandable. Human desire was stronger than the birds, so he used a more abstract concepts instead of the bird that the original requirements, is money. In publicity, fame seems to be a...

鸟为食亡。"从古到今,多少人用这句话训诫后人,多少人为了钱又机关算尽,甚至陪上性命。从高到低、从富到穷,哪个人不爱钱哪个人多余钱有人说在这个世界上,一切都是假...对应英文:Birds die for food. "Since ancient times, many people admonish people use this sentence, many people also rack one's brains to for money, even with my life. From high to low, from the rich to the poor, who didn't love money extra money which someone say that in this world, everything is false...

有两种、 , 、对应英文:There are two kinds of,,,

人为财死鸟为食亡的三重含义 首先它描述了人在基本生存上对财产(比如粮食、衣物、住所等等)的依赖。个体生命不但在其发生上需要物质基础,在其维持和发展上也同样需要...对应英文:Man three meanings eat Wu first it describes the basic survival to the property (such as food, clothing, shelter and so on) dependence. The individual life not only in its place on the material basis, also need to maintain and develop...

现实的压力让很多有高尚理想的人明白,有钱才能叫磨推鬼。谢谢!对应英文:The pressure of reality let many people understand the rich noble ideal, can be called the mill. Thank you.

鸟为食亡。孰对孰错在还没有答复这-问题之前,我要告诉大家,我明天就走了,你们要我讲几句话,我就讲几句教人后悔的话,什么话呢很平常的就是我不论到什么地方,凡是来听...对应英文:Birds die for food. What also did not reply to this question is wrong before, I want to tell you, I'll leave tomorrow, do you want me to say a few words, I would speak to teach people to regret it, what it is very common that I no matter to what place, usually to listen to...

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