

同行hang不同道对应英文:Peer hang different

)还是同(,第二声)同小明是一名音乐家,而小刚则是他的同行同同行的歌手跟着蒙古同胞也哼起了歌曲。望采纳啊对应英文:(second) is the same, sound) with Xiaoming is a musician, and I is the singer his fellow peers with Mongolia compatriots also sing a song. Hope to adopt

"同行" .. 从同行到对手 -- 关于科学秘密化的思考对应英文:Thoughts on "peer".. from peers to rivals -- about the secret of Science

同行 一起走的意思 本意是"一起度过"对应英文:Peer go meaning is intended to "spend"

大将将战将大战 (大将(第四声)将(第一声)战将(第一声)大战对应英文:The general will war war (general (fourth) the (first) fighter (first voice) War

同行()表示一同行进,并肩作战对应英文:Peer () said to travel, alongside

,二声 我十分的确定对应英文:I am very sure, two sound


在一起的意思。同行()十二年在一起十二年对应英文:Together. Peer () twelve years twelve years together

但粤语发音是 按文字意思来说 指的是行业 也就是工作 但明显剧情不是 所以是与敌同行() 主角是兄弟般的关系(表面) 所以同行()也算能解释出来对应英文:But the Cantonese pronunciation is based on text meaning is refers to the industry that is not so obvious work but the plot with enemy counterparts () the protagonist is brotherly relations (surface) so counterparts () also can explain

同行, 同行业,同行业者的意思.。, 同路的意思。 可改成我们一路同行的歌手。或我们歌手的同行。对应英文:Counterparts, with the industry, with the industry mean. The same way, meaning. Can be changed into the way we fellow singer. Or we singer counterparts.


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