

老房子起火对应英文:The old house is on fire

房子象征你父母的婚姻,房子着火自然是他们离婚的象征,你不想救火,说明你已经被你父母的这些烂事弄的疲惫不堪,懒得再去管了,他们爱怎么样就怎么样好了~。。。不过似乎...对应英文:House is the symbol of your parents' marriage, the house is on fire nature is a symbol of their divorce, you don't want to put out the fire, that means you have been such bad things your parents get terribly fatigued, too lazy to go tube, they love how how good... But it seems...

火代表着你的情绪,无论是你父母还是你自己的恋爱关系,你的情绪都是生气,"火大"。火所代表的是你内心的感受。你不愿意救火,而是与母亲聊天,反映了你对于父母婚姻的一个...对应英文:The fire represents your emotions, whether your parents or your relationships, your mood is angry, "fire". Fire represents you feel inside. You don't want to put out the fire, but with mother chat, reflects your parents marriage for a...

钱钟书在《围城》里说(大意)上了年纪的人动了爱情,就如同老房子着火,不可救药。对应英文:Qian Zhongshu in the "Besieged City" said (effect) on the age of people love, just like the old house was on fire, hopeless.

梦都是反的,是好的预兆对应英文:Dream is anti -, is a good omen

梦见登高遥望远处的火焰 -- 由于疏忽而犯错误的可能性很大。把约会的时间记错,结果让对方空等一个小时……像这种事情,千万不要让它发生。 ·梦见蜡烛在燃烧 -- 健康方...对应英文:Flame dream of climbing ahead in the distance, because of negligence and mistakes of the great possibility. The date time correctly, the results make up an hour...... Things like this, don't let it happen. And dream of the candles were burning -- health...

材房是物资,后备力量,你的备货也许要遭到损失。对应英文:Material real is the material, the reserve force, your order may suffer a loss.

一旦用电超负荷,断路器断不开,会造成导线过热乃至起火。 老房子一般照明和插座都是混接的,即刀闸输出的线作为干线贯穿整个屋子,遇到有灯头的地方做丁字接头接入照明灯...对应英文:Once the electrical overload, circuit breaker fault is not open, will cause overheating and a fire wire. The old house the general lighting and sockets are mixed connection, namely the knife switch output line as line runs through the house, met with a lamp where tee joint access lamp...

说明你近期有一些财富对应英文:Have you recently some wealth

可能是梦见自家房子着火了,也可能是梦见被子着火了。梦见着火是什么意思呢 解梦 "火"、"发大水",象征着较为剧烈的情绪冲突,比如愤怒、失落等。"旁边冒火的房子"代表...对应英文:May be the dream of their own house is on fire, also may be the dream of the quilt is on fire. Dream of the fire is what meaning "fire", "flood", a symbol of the emotional conflict is severe, such as anger, disappointment and other. "Beside the house representative."...

梦见肢体不幸烫伤,不久要发高烧。梦见很多房屋烧毁,意味着很多同胞将被饿死或被霍乱夺去生命。 房子象征你自己。梦见在打扫或油漆,表示你想改变,想解脱束缚,或可能身...对应英文:Dream of limb unfortunately burns, will soon be a high fever. Dream of a lot of houses burned, means that many people will starve to death or killed by cholera. House is the symbol of your own. Dreaming in the cleaning or paint, that you want to change, want to escape the shackles, or may body...


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