

登高而招见者远对应英文:Stand high and see far move

登高而招,臂非加长也,而见者远顺风而呼,声非加疾也,而闻者彰。假舆马者,非利足也,而致千里假舟檝者,非能水也,而绝江河。君子生非异也,善假于物也。台注吾尝举踵企...对应英文:Climb up and recruit, arm non lengthening, and see far promote a public cause, the sound of non disease also add, and listeners. Yu Ma sham, non-profit foot also, and thousands of miles of false boat Ji, non energy water is, and the vast river. Non ISO gentleman was born, good fake to things. A note I tasted the heel raise prices...

"见者"是指能看到你的人"闻者"是指能听到你声音的人登上高处招手,手臂并没有加长,能让远处的人看见顺着风向呼喊,声音并没有加强,但听见的人觉得很清楚。个人见解,多包...对应英文:"See" refers to see you in person "who" refers to hear your voice people aboard the wave height, arm and no longer, can let the people see the wind cries, and did not strengthen the sound, but the sound is very clear. Personal opinion, multi packet...

站在高处向别人招手,手臂并没有加长,可是别人在很远的地方还是能看得见。顺着方向呼喊,音量并没有提高多少,可是别人也能很清楚地听到。对应英文:Standing height to beckon with the hand, arm and no longer, but others are far away can still be seen. Follow the direction of shouting, the volume has not increased much, but others can hear clearly.

登上高处招手,并非是你的胳膊变长了,但是远处的人也能看到你招手。顺着风向呼喊,并不是声音传播的速度变快了,但是人们听到的声音却更清楚。以上答案,希望你满意。对应英文:On the wave height, is not your arm to grow, but the people can see you. The wind cries, not sound travels faster, but people hear more clearly. The above answer, hope you are satisfied.

登到高处招手,胳臂没有比原来加长,可是别人在远处也看见。 积土成山,风雨兴焉积水成渊,蛟龙生焉积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉--(堆积土石成了高山,)风雨就从这儿兴起...对应英文:Registration to the wave height, arm no longer than the original, but others saw in the distance. Grains of sand, wind and rain Hing Yan turned into deep, the Dragon born Sadumi Shanchengde, and the gods contented, sacred heart preparation Yan - (accumulation of debris into the mountains, wind and rain on the rise from here)...

判断句对应英文:Judgment sentence

出自 荀子.劝学篇我曾经整天思索,(却)不如片刻学到的知识(多)我曾经踮起脚远望,(却)不如登到高处看得广阔。登到高处招手,手臂并没有加长,可是别人在远处也看见顺着风...对应英文:From Xunzi. On learning I have been the whole day thinking, (but) as a moment to learn the knowledge (much) I have tiptoe afar, (but) not climb to see a vast height. Registration to the wave height, arm and no longer, but others saw in the distance along the wind...

站在高处招手,手臂没有加长,离得很远都能看见顺风呼喊,声音没有增大,而听的人却听得很清楚对应英文:Standing wave height, arm no longer, far away can see the wind cries, the sound did not increase, and listen to a person who has heard clearly

没有褒义贬义。 登上高处招手,并非是你的胳膊变长了,但是远处的人也能看到你招手。顺着风向呼喊,并不是声音传播的速度变快了,但是人们听到的声音却更清楚。 说让我们...对应英文:No positive negative. On the wave height, is not your arm to grow, but the people can see you. The wind cries, not sound travels faster, but people hear more clearly. Let us...

第个而 表示转折关系。可是,但是。 手臂并没有增加长度,可是看到的东西更远了。对应英文:Chapter one and that the transition relation. But, however. Arms and no increase in length, but farther to see things.


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