

灾年无灾民对应英文:Those without the victims

人均商品粮、商品率与出口量等在全国大中城市中均居首位,无灾无荒。全 国十大产粮县有六个在长春。其所辖...鸦片战争之前的清政府只在大灾年允许关内灾民单身进入辽宁,...对应英文:Per capita commodity grain, commodity rate and export volume ranks first in the country, large and medium-sized city, no harm no shortage. Ten major grain producing counties all over the country has six in changchun. Their jurisdiction... Before the Opium War Qing government only in the annus horribilis allows single customs victims in Liaoning,...

"灾蠲、减征和缓征赋税"是对灾年发生时灾民的赋税义务进行减免"救灾程序可分为报灾、勘灾、审户和发赈几个步骤"是清朝的制度) .("民间力量和官府力量起着同样重...对应英文:"Disaster reduction and deferral taxes Juan," is to help victims of the tax obligations when in relief "relief program can be divided into newspaper disaster, disaster survey, the household and relief of several steps" is the system of the Qing Dynasty). ("the folk force and the force of government plays an equally important...

人均商品粮、商品率与出口量等在全国大中城市中均居首位,无灾无荒。全国十大产粮县有三个在长春。其所辖的...鸦片战争之前的清政府只在大灾年允许关内灾民单身进入辽宁,...对应英文:Per capita commodity grain, commodity rate and export volume ranks first in the country, large and medium-sized city, no harm no shortage. The ten major grain producing counties and three in changchun. Their jurisdiction... Before the Opium War Qing government only in the annus horribilis allows single customs victims in Liaoning,...

孩儿应当终身相报。"他长大后当了官,遇上灾年,他拿出自己的俸禄救济灾民。同学们,黄昏如果对父亲的挚爱,又怎么会有对黎民百姓的爱,又怎么会用自己的俸禄救济百姓呢...对应英文:The child should be lifelong. "He grew up when the officer, in years, he took out his salary relief to disaster victims. The classmates, if the father's love, how will the commom people love, how will use their own salary relief to the people...

而他亲眼目睹了仕途险恶与社会的黑暗以及处于水深火热中的灾民惨状,都为其文学创作提供了更深广的生活感受... 科举无望,难达青云之志,而灾年频仍,缺乏充饥之粮。中年的蒲...对应英文:He witnessed his sinister and dark society and a horror of fire victims, as the literature provided a more profound feelings of life... The imperial hopeless, difficult to reach the Albatron ambition, but those frequently, lack of food and grain. Middle aged pu...

因为灾民转化成了农民工,所以杭州对灾民的救助,相应地转化为工酬。换言之,就是"以...杭州的交通业、旅游业和服务业,在灾年依旧获得了持续的发展。...对应英文:Because the victims into the migrant workers, so Hangzhou relief, accordingly into equal pay for work. In other words, is "to... Hangzhou traffic industry, tourism and service industry, in the years still obtains continuous development. ...

勘灾是蠲免的依据,而赈济还须"审户",即审核灾民户口,划分极贫(朝不保夕者)、次贫(暂可支撑者)等级别。审... 工赈也是经常施行的赈济方式,是指在灾年由官府出对应英文:Disaster survey is the basis, and relief to "trial households", namely the audit victims account, division is very poor (hang by a thread "), grey (may temporarily support) levels. The work is often performed... The ways of relieving, is pointed out by government in disaster

到年(民国年)春季,灾情日益严重,周口街头灾民夺馍者屡见不鲜,里巷啼饥号寒之声不绝于耳。 当时,周口...据笔者所知周口有两三户粮商,在灾年以粮食放高利贷吃一斗还...对应英文:To the year (in years) spring, the disaster is becoming increasingly serious, the streets of Zhoukou steamed away It is often seen. victims who cry from hunger and cold, Li Xiang sound can be heard without end. At that time, Zhoukou... As far as I know Zhoukou has two or three dealers, in the bad years to loan sharking food to eat is also fighting...

李岩无奈,回家取出家中存粮三百余石去赈济灾民。李家仅靠收租为生,在那种蝗旱并发的灾年,显然只是杯水车薪,李岩作了一首《劝赈歌》,拿到各家富户去劝勉赈济。歌曰  ...对应英文:Li Yan helpless, home to take home food more than 300 stone to relieve the victims. Li Jia only rent for a living, in the kind of locust in concurrent Zainian, obviously is an utterly inadequate measure, Li Yan made a song "song" to urge the relief, get the man to exhort, relief. The song said...

一山东连年大灾,农民无法生存。   年月,黄河在山东决口,阿县及附近成为一片汪洋,随后山东大旱,很多...在国家富裕的日子里,遇到灾年政府会大办粥场,以保证他们不至...对应英文:Shandong has been a disaster, farmers can not survive. Years, the Yellow River in Shandong and nearby counties into a crevasse, a world of waters, the Shandong drought, many... In the national well-off days, met years government big porridge field, to ensure that they do not to...


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