

无可无不可对应英文:Is not?
无可无不可,拼为wú kě wú bù kě,指表示怎样办都行,没有一定的主见。出自《论语•微子》。

经学博览,政事文辩,前世无比。"嚣曰"卿谓何如高帝"援曰"不如也。高帝无可无不可今上好吏事,动如节度,又不喜饮酒。"嚣意不怿,曰"如卿言,反复胜邪"《后汉书。马援传...对应英文:The Expo, the paper argues, the past very. "Xiao said that he" Qing Gautier "aid said" as well. Gautier not to care one way or another on good officials, such as district, and don't like drinking. "Xiao Yi not pleased, said" such as Qing words, repeated wins evil "" after the Han dynasty. Ma Yuan...

"无可无不可"--孔子的人生智慧孔子在《论语·微子》中论及历史名人的时候说"逸民伯夷、叔齐、虞仲、夷逸、朱张、柳下惠、少连。""不降其志,不辱其身,伯夷、叔齐与!""...对应英文:"Not to care one way or another" -- Confucius wisdom of life Confucius when "on the Analects of Confucius" and historical celebrities when said "hermit Boyi, Shu Qi, Yu Zhong, Yi Yi, Zhu Zhang, Liu Xiahui, less. "" do not drop its ambition, not disgrace the body, Boyi and Shuqi!""...

无可无不可 发音 ú ě ú ù ě 释义 表示怎样办都行,没有一定的主见。 出处 《论语·微子》"我则异于是,是无可无不可。" 示例 薛姨妈是个~的人,倒还易说。(清·曹雪...对应英文:Not to care one way or another pronunciation ú ě ú ù ě explanation says how to do it, without a certain idea. From "the Analects of Confucius" when "I of so, is not to care one way or another. "Example Aunt Xue is a ~ of people, it is easy to say. (Qing Cao snow...

出处 《论语·微子》"我则异于是,是无可无不可。" 示例 薛姨妈是个~的人,倒还易说。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十七回对应英文:From "the Analects of Confucius" when "I of so, is not to care one way or another. "Example Aunt Xue is a ~ of people, it is easy to say. (Qing Cao Xueqin "a dream of Red Mansions" fifty-seventh times

比如说你上课要放屁了,但是由于严厉的老师,你不敢放。但是遵循自然之道,你把屁嫩大大咧咧的给放了,这就做到了无为而无不为 .对应英文:For example, say you have to fart, but because the strict teacher, you dare not put. But follow the natural way, you put the fart tender careless to put, this did nothing and everything

修建京杭大运河,但他有一句毁誉终生的话,叫生我者不可,我生者不可,其余无不可。讲的就是除了他的母亲和他的女儿之外,其他的女人他都想搞到床上去!历史中记载他曾强奸...对应英文:Construction of the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale, but he has a good life, that I can't, I can't rest all the living. Say that in addition to his mother and his daughter, the other woman he wants to get to bed! Historical records he raped...

请不要把和游戏无关的问题问到这里好不好....话说回来我对题目第一个字和最后一个字蛮感兴趣了....对应英文:Please don't put and game unrelated question here ok.... on the other hand I subject the first word and the last word is interested in...

、意思是圣人也是跟我们一样的平凡人! 、这样的意思是,他宁愿自己承担痛苦也不要父母替他担心! 、作用是激励我们要向孔子学习,该前进的时候就进,该停的时候就停,能...对应英文:It is an ordinary person, sage is like us!, so mean, he would rather have to bear the pain also don't parents worried about him!, role is to inspire us to Confucius learning, when the advance into, the stop stop, can...

意思是有没有无所谓 出处就不知道了对应英文:There are no so-called provenance is not know

"高帝无可无不可。" "无可无不可"一语,出自《论语微子》,是孔子在评论历史人物时说的一句话。意思是说,历史上有的人持这样的生活态度,按这样的方式生活,另一些人持另...对应英文:"The emperor not to care one way or another. "" not to care one way or another "from" the Analects of Confucius "words, particles, is Confucius comments on historical figures to say a word. Mean, history, some people hold the attitude of life, life in the same way, others argue the other...

俗语无可无不可wú kě wú bù kě是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/523.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

释义 表示怎样办都行,没有一定的主见。  出处 《论语·微子》:“我则异于是,是无可无不可。” 示例 薛姨妈是个~的人,倒还易说。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十七回) 相关文献 万方数据期刊论文于无可无不可之间——近年来诗歌民刊观察 - 文艺评论 - 2011 ( 5 ) 万方数据期刊论文"无可无不可"与人生智慧 - 华夏文化 - 2008 ( 1 ) 万方数据期刊论文论孔子思想中的出处矛盾 - 鸡西大学学报 - 20088 ( 2 ) 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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