

疾风助猛火对应英文:Blast assist fire

当众人退回木叶,佐助告诉鸣人,要想战胜代只能用大蛇丸研究的合体忍术,条件是两个情同手足的朋友才能成功。于是二人开始修行。 不料代,玉女已经用"空间转移术"赶到木...对应英文:When people return Sasuke Naruto Konoha, tell, want to beat generation can only fit jutsu Orochimaru research, conditions are two like one's own brother friend to succeed. So the two of them began to practice. But the generation, jade has "space transfer" to the wood...

潜伏在大蛇身边这么多年只是为了学到不老不死之术,如今大功告成而首领又正好下令。大蛇重伤之下抓住佐助逃走后准备强行转生。侵蚀佐灵魂时,鼬忽然出现,用月读使大蛇意...对应英文:Lurking in the serpent around so many years just to learn not old deathless, now be accomplished and the leader has just ordered. The serpent severely wounded under seize Sasuke escape ready to reincarnation. Erosion with soul, Itachi suddenly appeared with the serpent, read...

这是很少见的,但是佐助有一种是火,风助火,鸣人处于劣势,另一种好像是水,他后来不是炼成风遁螺旋手里剑吗,那就是查克拉的属性变化,需要两种查克拉的属性,网上说最后鸣...对应英文:This is very rare, but Sasuke is a fire, the wind to help the fire, Naruto disadvantage, another is like water, he did not make the wind or spiral sword in the hand, that is the search attributes change carat, need two chakra attribute, online said the last ming...

雷遁·千鸟雷光剑   《火影忍者疾风传剧场版-羁绊》中佐助所用,漫画和动画均无此招。   雷遁·麒麟   佐助巧妙使用火遁术以制造出雷电,并将自然界巨大的雷电...对应英文:The Lei Dun, Plover Lei Guangjian "Naruto Shippuden Movie - the fetters" in Sasuke, comics and animation have no this recruit. Lei Dun, kylin Sasuke ingenious use of Huodun technique to produce lightning, and the nature of the huge thunder and lightning...

鼬从没写信给佐助 是斑的口头叙述对应英文:You never write to Sasuke is spot of the oral narrative

雷遁·千鸟锐枪 千鸟伸长的形态变化,最长距离为五米。 雷遁·千鸟雷光剑 《火影忍者疾风传剧场版-羁绊》中佐助所用,漫画和动画均无此招。 雷遁·麒麟 佐助巧妙使用火遁...对应英文:Morphological changes of Lei Dun, Plover sharp gun Plover elongation, the longest distance is five meters. The Lei Dun, Plover Lei Guangjian "Naruto Shippuden Movie - the fetters" in Sasuke, comics and animation have no this recruit. Lei Dun, clever use of Huodun kylin sasuke...

土系攻击 东幽兰谷 长者墓碑 土系攻击 碧涛陵 变种豺 近战物理 伤麒森林,疾风草原 异形豺王 近战物理 七杀谷 近卫狼 近战物理 七杀谷 长蛮战士 近战物...对应英文:The series against East Valley orchids elder tombstone series attack blue Ling var. jackal melee physical injury Yee forest, Wind Prairie special-shaped jackal king melee seven wolf Valley guards melee Qisha Valley long pretty soldiers melee...

一重厚土血誓疾风,二重加猛火咒,三重天魔附体,痴情咒,四重虚空明王无间,五重魔魂未名狂灵. 天书妄念灵咒无间密云命运雷牙虚无. 你真玩这鬼王应该看得懂了~对应英文:A heavy thick soil was strong, double plus fire spell, three demons appendage, infatuation spell, four void in no, five Mohun Weiming crazy spirit. Mumbo-jumbo delusion Ling cursed fate without Miyun Lei Ya nothing. You really play the ghost king should be read

物品盗取黑轮灵巧之书,疾风果子暴牙力量番茄,强身健体散 小奈智慧之果,精灵之泪 物品掉落黑轮神行面包,夺魔晶体暴牙嗜血晶体,强身健体散 小奈夺魔晶体,...对应英文:Goods stolen Alan smart book, gale fruit snaggletooth force tomato, body-building and scattered small Nai the fruit of wisdom, tears falling goods elves Alan gods took bread, magic crystal snaggletooth bloodthirsty crystal, body-building and scattered small Nai wins the magic crystal,...

十字斩、火焰之助、火球术、地狱火、疾风扫荡。对应英文:Cross, Hi Nosuke, fireball, Hellfire, winds sweep.


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