

火势借风势对应英文:The fire by the wind

当然是火借风势。。这个意思是风一吹火就更猛了。。火一烧风就更猛了很无厘头啊。对应英文:Of course the fire by the wind.. This means a more fierce wind blows.. A burning fire and wind is stronger and it does not make sense.

火借风势风助火威对应英文:The fire by the wind the wind to help the fire Wei

关键是灭火器瞄准火苗是错误的,应该是火源根部将灭火器的泡沫吹向火源根部是为了使火源与空气隔绝,使火势无法漫延。在上风处喷向火苗,火会往上串的,火势将扩大。对应英文:The key is the fire extinguisher at the fire is wrong, should be the root of the fire extinguisher foam blowing fire roots to make fire and air isolation, the fire can not be spread. To the windward spray, the fire will go on, the fire will expand.

将灭火器的泡沫吹向火源根部是为了使火源与空气隔绝,使火势无法漫延。在上风处喷向火苗,火会往上串的,火势将扩大。对应英文:The fire extinguisher foam blowing fire roots to make fire and air isolation, the fire can not be spread. To the windward spray, the fire will go on, the fire will expand.

周兵放火烧掉了曹军的粮仓,火光冲天。这时,刮起了北风,火势趁着风势向曹营蔓延开来。曹操这才意识到问题的严重性,但为时已晚,只好狼狈地逃跑了。可他的大军死的死,...对应英文:Zhou Bing setting fire to Cao Cao's granary, flames. At this time, a north wind, while the Cao camp fire to spread. Cao Cao realized that the severity of the problem, but it was too late, had fled helter skelter. His army of death,...

、家住单元式楼房的居民邻室失火,不要敞开门窗,因火势借风势乘虚而入,浓烟热气及有毒气体进入室内,容易使人窒息死亡。二、住楼房着火怎么办住楼房着火不像平房那么...对应英文:The next room, residents living unit buildings on fire, do not open the doors and windows, because the fire by the wind take advantage of a weak point, the smoke gas and toxic gas into the interior, easy to choke to death. Two, live in a building on fire how to do live in a building on fire so unlike cottage...

、家住单元式楼房的居民邻室失火,不要敞开门窗,因火势借风势乘虚而入,浓烟热气及有毒气体进入室内,容易使人窒息死亡。 二、住楼房着火怎么办 住楼房着火不像平房那...对应英文:The next room, residents living unit buildings on fire, do not open the doors and windows, because the fire by the wind take advantage of a weak point, the smoke gas and toxic gas into the interior, easy to choke to death. Two, live in a building on fire how to do live in a building on fire that unlike the cottage...

、家住单元式楼房的居民邻室失火,不要敞开门窗,因火势借风势乘虚而入,浓烟热气及有毒气体进入室内,容易使人窒息死亡。   二、住楼房着火怎么办   住楼房着...对应英文:The next room, residents living unit buildings on fire, do not open the doors and windows, because the fire by the wind take advantage of a weak point, the smoke gas and toxic gas into the interior, easy to choke to death. Two, live in a building on fire how to do live in a building with...

、家住单元式楼房的居民邻室失火,不要敞开门窗,因火势借风势乘虚而入,浓烟热气及有毒气体进入室内,容易使人窒息死亡。  二、住楼房着火怎么办  住楼房着火...对应英文:The next room, residents living unit buildings on fire, do not open the doors and windows, because the fire by the wind take advantage of a weak point, the smoke gas and toxic gas into the interior, easy to choke to death. Two, live in a building on fire how to do live in a building on fire...

、家住单元式楼房的居民邻室失火,不要敞开门窗,因火势借风势乘虚而入,浓烟热气及有毒气体进入室内,容易使人窒息死亡。对应英文:The next room, residents living unit buildings on fire, do not open the doors and windows, because the fire by the wind take advantage of a weak point, the smoke gas and toxic gas into the interior, easy to choke to death.


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