

林大不过风对应英文:But the wind Lin

看来是你冲级太快了…也没关系的啊对应英文:It seems you are drawing too fast... Also never mind

楼主我也是玩寻仙的对于这样的问题你切线换贪狼或者天机在打一次就好了并不是说一次性就掉对应英文:I also play Sally found for this problem you tangent for greedy wolf or secret playing a good is not to say that once fell

杀了 林大大,得到 风不平的心神,然后回去找风不平即可对应英文:Kill Lin greatly, the wind not mind, then go back and find the uneven air can be

这个从排名上看确实没有它 但是 但是 放在全国风园专业林大也排得上前五 这个就业没有问题 还没毕业人就会被抢光 当然抢得都是专业好的 专业前景也不错。是不是什么排...对应英文:The rankings do without it, but on the national wind park professional forest also row to five the employment without problems have not graduated people will be robbed of light and of course getting are professional good professional prospects are good. Is it right? What row...

再找个班恶补几天也能差不多的 祝你顺利通过哈~~欢迎来林大 虽然学校一般 但风园园林城规啥滴真的很好的 学校校风也好 吃的也好 哈哈哈哈对应英文:Then find a class cramming days can almost wish you smoothly through the ha ~ ~ welcome to forest although schools but the wind garden city planning what drop really good school spirit or eat or ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

工业设计听说还行,木材料那个就不太清楚了,不过咱们林大这方面应该差不了~!对应英文:Industrial design that OK, wood material that is less clear, but we should be in the forest!

林大是没有要求的,南北方不同省份对风园和园林的录取分数线不同,不过差的不多(貌似是北方园林高,华东那边好像是风园高)因此报考时奉劝你如果不是分很高,即使降分也录...对应英文:Lin is not required, the north and South provinces of wind parks and gardens of different admission scores, but not much difference (seems to be the North Garden, east there is wind park high) so when register advise you if is not very high, even if the drop is recorded...

农经是林大有一定特色的专业,但是就业情况一般,不算特好的专业,林大强大的专业还是园林和城规(风园)对应英文:Lin has a certain characteristic agriculture is professional, but the employment situation in general, not very good professional, Lin big strong professional or garden and urban planning (wind park)

学林学很没意思,专门做研究的那种,要学不少生物知识,你们文科也不学,而且也枯燥。 你权衡一下,有什么可以问我。总之好像北林不适合文科生。对应英文:Studied forestry is not interesting, specially do research to learn that, many biological knowledge, you will not learn liberal arts, but also boring. You weigh, what can ask me. In a word like Beilin not suitable for liberal arts students.

北林之所以叫林大就是有偏向的,林学全国第一,园林,风园,园艺全国第一,这些是好专业,建议来北林的话考虑这些。 我是北林园林院的,消息绝对正确,园林院总是最强的。 学...对应英文:Beilin is called Lin Da is biased, forestry, first in the country, garden, wind park, gardening, first in the country, these are good professional, if consider these suggestions to beilin. I am Lin Garden courtyard, the message is absolutely correct, garden house is always the strongest. Science...


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