

百思不得其解对应英文:A mystery
百思不得其解:百般思索也无法理解。词 目百思不得其解发 音bǎi sī bù dé qí jiě释 义百:多次;解:理解。百般思索也无法理解。出 处清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷十三:“此真百思不得其故矣。”示 例这件事让我百思不得其解

我心中有一个疑团, 百思不得其解。对应英文:My heart there is a mystery, a mystery.

因此,当这位父亲14岁的女儿佐伊告诉他,她已经成为一个福音派基督教徒时,他百思不得其解。对应英文:Therefore, when the father 14-year-old daughter zoe, told him that she had become an evangelical Christian, he wonders.

过去几个月,审计公司一直对一个问题百思不得其解,即到底什么才算是中国的“国家秘密”。对应英文:In the past few months, the audit company has always been a mystery to a problem, that is what is China's "state secrets".

物质/反物质的问题曾让物理学家数十年来百思不得其解,如今这个问题可能会有答案了。对应英文:The problem of matter/antimatter physicists had a mystery for decades, this problem may be the answer.

因此,当这位父亲14岁的女儿佐伊告诉他,她已经成为一个福音派基督教徒时,他百思不得其解。对应英文:Therefore, when the father 14-year-old daughter zoe, told him that she had become an evangelical Christian, he wonders.

过去几个月,审计公司一直对一个问题百思不得其解,即到底什么才算是中国的“国家秘密”。对应英文:In the past few months, the audit company has always been a mystery to a problem, that is what is China's "state secrets".

投资置业系数的发现和楼价调控公式的建立破解了这些令政府、专家、老百姓百思不得其解的疑问。对应英文:The discovery of coefficient of investment in real estate and property regulation formula of crack of the government, experts and ordinary people a mystery.

马立克的罪行,包括早期的电影,一个17分钟的段封装在宇宙的历史光荣,往往是抽象的意象的,它百思不得其解,从而激怒了许多影迷。对应英文:Malik crimes, including the early films, a 17 minutes period of encapsulated in cosmic history is glorious, is often abstract images, it is a mystery, which angered many fans.

倾斜的车道和人行道可以作为涵洞,令人百思不得其解,经常摄入量将减少流失的问题。对应英文:Sloping lanes and sidewalks, can be used as a culvert, it is a mystery, often intake will reduce erosion problems.

经济学家常百思不得其解,但我感觉经济与货币政策有很大干系。对应英文:Economists used a mystery, but I feel the economic and monetary policy has a lot to do.

下节课我们将会讲社会思想,社会行为,神话;,基本上这一连串的话题,在本课程中属于杂七杂八的,而且让心理学家百思不得其解的。对应英文:Next time we will speak social thought, social behavior, myth;

您也许对以下问题百思不得其解:“如果它们都非常重要,而且又非常类似,那么我怎样知道何时使用业务流程,何时使用状态机?”对应英文:You might be a mystery to the following question: "if they are very important, and are very similar, so how do I know when to use the business process, when using a state machine?"

对于学生们百思不得其解的问题,他的办法是反问学生一系列问题,从而引导他们找到自己对于该问题的答案,这就是后来众所周知的“苏格拉底法”。对应英文:To the problem of the students of the mystery of his method is to ask students to a range of issues, which led them to yourself for answers to the questions, this is later known as the "Socratic method".

影响思维,使思维与之反应的激励来自亚细胞层次甚至原子层次,而这过程所采用的方式,则让人类的分子心理学家们只能面面相觑,百思不得其解。对应英文:Influence the thinking, the thinking and the reaction of incentives from the cellular level and even atomic level, and the process adopted by the way, let the human molecular psychologists can only looked at each other, a mystery.

时,他百思不得其解。 他首先想到的是,或许正如他对自己父母的反叛,她的皈依宗教也只是她反抗父亲权威的一种方式。对应英文:He wonders.

“我怎么就没拍些照片呢?” 他百思不得其解。对应英文:"How do I didn't take some photos?

在让人难以置信的奇迹恢复后,这位76岁的老汉第一次见到了自己的宝贝孙女,而他的重获光明也让眼科专家们百思不得其解。对应英文:After the incredible miracle recovery, the 76 - year - old man saw his baby granddaughter for the first time, and he regain the light let an eye experts baffled.

这件事不但对许多人来说百思不得其解,就是对我自己来说也是个谜,因为我虽然很早就对脚趾十分好奇,但在这之前,我从没尝试过以任何方式去用我的双脚。对应英文:It is not only a mystery for many people, is it is a mystery to myself, because I am curious though very early on toes, but before that, I've never tried to use my feet in any way.

当你对遇到的企业难题百思不得其解,翻阅国内外名著、求教于名人名校仍不得其解时,可毫不犹豫地与我们交流合作。对应英文:When you encounter problems after turning, the helps of famous person famous at home and abroad, and still can not its solution, can exchange and cooperation with us without hesitation.

我百思不得其解,等下了楼发现我的狗正在咬我的棉条安装器。对应英文:I a mystery, and so on down the stairs to find my dog is bite my tampon installer.

印度士兵常常也是如引,而他们的指挥官还是英国人,这就更加令我百思不得其解了。对应英文:Indian soldiers often such as lead, and their commanders or British, it's more mystery to me.

业主们百思不得其解:开发商干嘛放着河水不洗船,非要留下烂摊子?对应英文:The owners a mystery: why developers keep the river not washing, don't want to leave a mess?

他百思不得其解,最后认定有妖魔插了一杠子,破了咒语。对应英文:He wonders, and finally stuck a thick stick, and there is evil spell.

听到一些观众在散场时分笑呵呵地总结这部片子是一部“轻喜剧”,百思不得其解。对应英文:Hear some of the audience in the break time walked over to summarize this film is a "comedy", is a mystery.

就好像佩林(Sarah Palin)在美国某些地区的人气依然让主流媒体的一些人百思不得其解一样,马拉多纳与“人民大众”共鸣的窍门也同样令人迷惑不已。对应英文:Like Sarah Palin (Sarah Palin's popularity in some parts of the U.S. still make some in the mainstream media as a mystery, "the masses" maradona to understand tips too confusing.

这可真让我百思不得其解,她既然选择离开我,却又不带走她的鞋? 这是一种讽刺吗?对应英文:It really let me puzzled, she now that choose to leave me, but don't take her shoes?

然而地震引发的海啸却小于预期,个中缘由,让专家百思不得其解。对应英文:The tsunami, triggered by an earthquake, however, was less than expected, why, let experts baffled.

中国东部农民种植的西爪开始一个接一个爆炸,令他们百思不得其解。对应英文:The eastern part of China's farmers to grow watermelons started one after another explosion, made them a mystery.

剖腹产之后,面对一个生龙活虎的婴儿,她百思不得其解。对应英文:After cesarean section, in the face of a baby alive, she is a mystery.


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