

林大鸟易栖对应英文:The forest bird easy habitat

一年冬天,当丑陋的彗星刚要升起来的瞬间,有一只平凡的小鸟从乔木从里冲出来.小鸟向来不曾想到过那样对应英文:One winter, when the comet was ugly to rise up the moment, there is a common bird from the tree came out. The bird has always had not thought of that

大鸟林巴+阿尤斯+阿尤斯+阿尤斯+阿尤斯+阿尤斯+林巴 (大芯加厚)对应英文:Aus Aus Aus Aus Aus bird Lingpa Lingpa (large core thickening)

大鸟面材是林巴,中间是层阿尤斯,大芯加厚。我劝你不要定做了,这东西不是结构一样性能就一样的,木料的干燥处理和粘合技术不一样性能要差很多,特别是这种手感细腻的拍...对应英文:The bird surface material is the middle layer Lingpa, Aus, large core thickening. I advise you not to order, this thing is not the same structure performance is the same, the wood drying treatment and adhesive technology different properties to a lot of difference, especially such a delicate touch of shoot...

下了楼,我们马不停蹄地来到了鸟语林。我们刚到门前,便有一只不知名的大鸟飞了过来,停在离我不远的地方。我掰了一地面包,捣成屑,投过去,本以为大鸟会受惊飞走,可它却津...对应英文:Downstairs, we make a hurried journey without stop to Niaoyu Lin. We got to the door, there is a unknown birds flying over, stop at a place not far away from me. I broke off a bread crumbs, Daocheng, cast in the past, the thought that the bird will be frightened away, be it the tianjin...

..版本的大鸟任务也没什么改变,据说开了级可以直接学习到迅捷飞行形态,虽然堪称最复杂的职业任务之一,但是很多玩家为了体验的职业乐趣,还是选择...对应英文:.. Version bird didn't change what tasks, is said to open class can learn to swift flight form, although it is one of the most complex occupation task, but a lot of game player to experience the fun of the occupation, or choose...

要自己飞很多路 建议学了 再买个大鸟 可以省很多时间 步骤升级到级时,直接到外域影月谷的影月村(,)学习专家级骑术技能到。这需要消耗你,做事一向很...对应英文:To fly their own lot suggestions can learn another big upgrade save a lot of time steps to the stage, directly to the Outland Shadowmoon Valley. Yue Cun (,) the expert riding skill to learn. This need to consume you, always very...

小级大鸟任务详解 今天凌晨终于做完了德鲁依的史诗飞行形态系列任务,先是刷了一次暗影迷宫贫民窟声望到了崇敬,主要是前一天我下迷宫时睡着了,没能第一时间崇敬做任...对应英文:A small bird task level detailed this morning finally finished Dru's Epic Flight Form series of tasks, the first brush a Shadow Labyrinth slum prestige to the revered, mainly is the day before I fell asleep under a maze, did not first time to admire to do...

到暗月谷的蛮锤要塞(,)学习专家级骑术(技能),需要,然后买个大鸟(%的鸟速度快呀,以后做任务飞来飞去也方便)。二、使用技能回到月光林地,在(,)接任务...对应英文:To Shadowmoon Wildhammer stronghold of (,) learning expert riding (skill), need, and then buy a bird (% of birds faster ah, do later task flying is also convenient). Two, the use of skills back to Moonglade, in (,) then the task...

请先确认你作完了收集个乌鸦石的任务,在常青林交了乌鸦石任务以后,(女暗夜精灵)会有一段对话,等大约一分钟左右会出现任务提示,要你去泰罗卡森林找个图腾,第一个...对应英文:Please confirm you finished collecting a crow stone task, later in the evergreen forests to crow stone task, (Female Elf) will have a dialogue, and so on for about a minute or so will appear Task Tips, want you to Terokkar forest to find a totem, the first...

石长老出现,逍遥独自与年前的石长老对决(很难),胜利后乘大鸟竟被带到罗刹洞(开始的梦),一直   往里走,最后罗刹鬼婆真的出现了,到底梦中的是不是真的打败罗刹鬼婆...对应英文:Shi Changlao, happy alone and years ago old stone long battle (hard), after the victory by the bird was brought to the Russian hole (began to dream), has been go toward in walk, the last Russian hag appeared really, what the dream of the Is it right? Really defeating Russian ghost shiva...


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